Chapter 93: When it all comes crashing down

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He was the one that killed Ichiru. I gritted my teeth, fighting against Rido as he continued to drain my blood, and trying to wrap my mind on reality. Zero killed Ichiru.

Devoured him.

Drank his life.

Took his power.

Killed him.


Rido's fangs withdrew, as he growled in pain from the bullet wound in his leg.

"I'll deal with you later," he tossed me aside. "For now, I'll skip straight to the main course." I was the entreé?

A light rain began to fall as Rido and Zero faced each other, Zero pointing Bloody Rose at Rido, as Rido bit into the tip of his index finger, blood bubbling out of the wound.

Wind gusted in straight lashes, blowing everything it could around. Short strands of my roughly cut hair slapped and stung my face as I struggled to get up. Ichiru's sword was still held in my hand, so tightly that my knuckles were white. It was a surprise that I was still holding it.

Maybe it was because I still held a weapon that gave me confidence. Foolish confidence but there was nothing to lose. I would die anyway, fighting or surrendering.

"Beings like you are just food," Rido's blood whip slapped through the air towards Zero. "Worthless creatures that aren't worthy of anything." The whip cracked into a spiral around Bloody Rose, holding the silver vampire gun firm.

Zero's eyebrows furrowed, and without warning, he yanked the gun out of Rido's grip. Rido's blood whip splattered onto the ground in formless blood patches, broken. 

"You," Rido's mismatched eyes narrowed. A slow smile began to form on his lips. "My prey has become strong."

Instead of biting the tip of his finger to re-create his blood whip, Rido slashed a cut down the length of his arm, a nail extending into a claw. As blood dripped out of the self-inflicted wound, Rido's body began to twist and morph, spinning into a black, smokey orb, until a dark wolf appeared in place, fangs bared, while saliva dripped off its fangs. Rido, now a wolf, snapped and growled at Zero menacingly, beginning to circle the Hunter, every step taken with purpose and threat.

"What are you?" Zero's body trembled as he fought to control whatever power rose inside him. Veins on his shoulder and arm stood out as he tensed and struggled.

"There is nothing wrong with seeking power," the wolf spoke. Its eyes, red and blue, glinted maliciously as it watched Zero struggle.

With a final, strangled cry, Zero's eyes turned fully red, as he straightened up, his strange, overpowered form marching towards Rido.

"Stop!" I ran at Zero. Something was terribly wrong, I could feel it. Zero wasn't attacking Rido because he didn't like him - he was attacking Rido because he was going...mad.

Without thinking I slashed at his shoulder, the anti-vampire blade slicing through Zero's pale skin. Blood dribbled out, but it was like popping a balloon. Once the cut was made, Zero gasped, his body relaxing as more blood came out, stabilising him. 

"Graaaahhh!!" I felt the rush of movement, and the next thing I knew, something heavy and moving crashing into my back, knocking me to the ground as teeth clamped onto my shoulder.

Instinctively I screamed, twisting and thrashing, trying to release the jaws that held my shoulder tight. Muscles screamed as my shoulder slowly died, Rido's sharp canines tearing into my skin and muscles. The short sword clattered to the ground, the mother metal ringing out against the ground beneath the growls and gasps from the Night Class.

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