Chapter 81: Danger in the academy

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"You're back," I greeted the dominating pureblood weakly after a pause which seemed to last for years. An awkward and stifling silence settled over the three of us, while we stared each other down.

I was unconsciously aware of the position I was stuck in, and I'm sure Ichiru felt the same way.

Finally Kaname broke the silence cloaking us like a heavy fog.

"Just don't get distracted." That was all he said before walking off. As soon as he left our sight, both me and Ichiru heaved a sigh.

"I thought we were done for," Ichiru admitted.

"Why?" I peered back at him confusedly. "It's not like we were breaking any rules." Unless falling over someone was a crime.

"The look in his eyes," Ichiru hesitated, but shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's just get ourselves out of this mess."


Since the rest of the Night Class were back, and Day Class students were slowly trickling back into the academy, the academy was slowly filling up once more, and the peace and quiet of the academy disappeared. I quite enjoyed the peace though. It was a reminder that certain people were not around to bother me.

"I saw you with Ichiru."

"Huh?!" I jumped in fright as Seiren appeared next to me. "Where did you come from?"

I had just been walking along the corridor to get to my room, and to see if Maria was back as well.

"I guess the two of you are friends now," Seiren ignored my question completely. "Just don't get distracted." How ironic. Kaname said the exact same thing.

"Why shouldn't I be distracted?" I was genuinely curious. "Even though I'm not, what's the problem with getting distracted?"

"You'll see."


All of the Night Class had come back, except for one. Senri. That was why Rima was often alone, without her mahogany-haired companion. She didn't show any sadness or loneliness though. She just... did what Rima did.

"Senri's visiting his mother." Once again, Seiren showed up, scaring the life out me. "He'll be coming back a bit later."

"Oh," I didn't know how to respond. "Well, thanks for telling me that. Hey...Can I ask you a question?"

Seiren was silent, so I took it as a yes.

"Do you always have to scare me when you want to speak to me?"

"No," she replied calmly. "You just aren't aware to your surroundings. I even tried to be a bit noisier this time, so you would be aware of me, but your ears aren't very sharp for a Level C." Was it just me, or was everyone hinting that they knew I wasn't a vampire?

"Well," I tried to come up with an excuse. "I was just thinking. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings."

"Don't get distracted." That was all she said before she disappeared again.

Really, why do people keep saying that to me?

By the time I got to my room, I was confused and bewildered, and maybe a little scared. Just why did I have to 'not get distracted'? Was something about to happen which would endanger me? And why me?

"Hello," Maria's high pitched voice drifted to me. "I was wondering when you would get back."

"Hi, Maria," I shut the door behind me. "When did you get back?"

"Just this morning," she beamed up at me. Maria was perched on the edge of her bed, her legs swinging to and fro. "But you haven't been in the room for the whole day. I was waiting for you."

"Oh," I sat down on my bed across her. "Thanks."

"Where were you?" Maria cocked her head at me curiously. "You've been spending a lot of time with Ichiru I noticed."

"You have?" I felt my mouth go dry. If Shizuka just happened to be in Maria's body right now...she could kill me in one blow. "Wh-what makes you think that?"

"Oh nothing," Maria replied vaguely. "He just seems really distant nowadays. I've even heard him mentioning your name sometimes."

"Oh." It actually pleased me that Ichiru thought about me sometimes when I wasn't there. Maybe - no. Don't be ridiculous.


That night, all the Night Class students were in their rooms or the living room, doing whatever they did. I had tried to keep to myself, trying to pretend that it was still peaceful and empty in the Moon Dorm, with no aristocratic vampire to make me an inferior, but it was near impossible. The sounds of talking, of the small wiff of blood tablets, and the sense of vampires around me. I really couldn't keep up the pretense.

So I gave up on it completely.

"I'm going for a walk," I told Maria, who sat on a chair, fiddling with something. I couldn't be bothered to look at it. "I need some fresh air."

"Okay," Maria replied, not looking up. "Have a good time."

The bubbling laughter and unnerving sense of all the vampires around me slowly died down as I got further away from the Moon Dorm.

It was a calm and peaceful night, but despite the serenity of it all, I felt a prickling sensation on my back and neck, as though someone was watching me. Maybe I am going mad.

"Watch out." I almost thought I heard someone say, but even as I turned around to look, a hand grasped my shoulder.

With a gasp, I flinched away, whirling to face whoever was behind me. And my heart skipped a beat. Standing in front of me, beautiful and dangerous, was Shizuka Hio.

"Shizuka," I whispered, more to myself than to her. "What-"

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." She spoke before I could finish my sentence. "You took him away from me. You made me regret not binding him to me, despite all of his pleading and begging. I didn't bind him, because I trusted his loyalty. I was wrong."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lie. Lie. Lie. I felt like a dozen buzzers had just gone off in my head, blaring red lights, so bright and so hard that Shizuka could probably see them in my skull.

"Don't lie to me." Her pale, perfect, porcelain face appeared right in front of mine, eyes narrowed and her teeth bared in a slight snarl, her fangs glistening slightly. "I'll just end this quickly, so neither of us will suffer." The pureblood leaned in to my neck, her tongue testing the skin of my neck.

"No!" She bit down on my neck, even as I cried out. I couldn't move, couldn't do anything. It was even worse than what Kaname did to control me. I didn't know if it was Shizuka's doing or if I was just paralysed with shock.

"S-stop," I croaked, to no avail, as my warm blood spilled over my shoulder and into Shizuka's mouth. I don't think she would ever stop drinking. Could I push her off and run? If I could just get control over my body for a minute, I could escape. 

"Mmph." My legs gave way, and I felt my whole body go limp as I weakened, Shizuka draining away my life. Only her hands stopped me from falling to the ground, but soon, they would let go as well. My eyelids slowly drooped down, until I couldn't see anything. All I could do was hear, and feel the horrible sensation of the Shizuka drinking my blood.

Guess that's a suitable ending for you.

"Enough." That one word cut through the night air like a knife. "Let her go, Shizuka."

"Oh my." Shizuka's grip on me loosened, and I felt myself fall to the ground with a thump. It hurt, especially when my head hit the stone.

"Aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself here?" Shizuka's footsteps stepped away from me softly. "I didn't realise you cared for this Level D, Kaname."

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