Chapter 25: The vampire of light

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"Saki, Kaname," Kaien's warm voice greeted us as we walked into his office. "Is something wrong for the two of you to be out in the day?" I thought I heard Kaname chuckle slightly, but then again, I might have imagined it.

"It's not much, Kaien," Kaname replied. "Saki here has obtained a new ability, and she needs to learn how to control it, for the safety of the academy." Kaien stared at me for a minute, his brow furrowed, as he observed me.

"She does seem quite different," he replied at last. "What new ability has she got this time?" Kaname's reply was immediate.

"She seems to have the ability to control light, in forms of attack." Kaien looked surprised.

"Are you sure?" Kaien's voice was slightly sceptical. "Show me." I had no idea what to do. How did I even manage to send out the first flare? Oh yeah, I was really mad. Well, that'll have to do.

I counted to five, imagining how demanding and controlling Kaname and Hanabusa were, how they were so awful and unfair. Slowly, I felt my rage build, and as it did, I also felt that thing grow in my stomach. As it did, it grew so much that I completely forgot about being angry, struggling to contain the light in me.

It broke through, and light erupted into the room. I heard shattering sounds, coming from the light bulbs in the room, as they broke. Whether it was me, I don't know. All I know is, that once the light finally stopped, all three of us were blinking rapidly, trying to get rid of the dizzying specks of light in our vision.

"What just happened?" A man burst throught the door. "I saw a bright flash, and-" He stopped when he saw me and Kaname.

"Yagari," Kaien began to greet him, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "We were just...testing Saki's abilities." The man's gaze fell upon me, his eyes hard. No, eye, he wore an eyepatch. I wonder what happened to his right eye.

"That's Saki?" He asked. "I didn't realise she had abilities, after all, she is only a Level C."

"There have been incidents," Kaname interrupted, as I began to protest. "She has know been discovered to have abilities somewhat like an aristocrat's."

"Yes, everything is alright," Kaien hastily intervened. "Shouldn't you be teaching a class anyway, Yagari?" Yagari glared at Kaien. He reminds me of Zero in a way, what with all those glares.

"I was, until I saw that light spectacle," He glared at me. "Of course I excused myself to investigate. I am a vampire hunter after all." Oh, so he was a vampire hunter.

"Your mother, Shina, was an accomplished hunter," he added to me. "It's a shame that such a line ended up as a bloodsucker." He glared at me, as though it was my fault that a pureblood decided he would attack me and Mum. Kaien coughed, before I could retaliate.

"Well, Yagari, you should be getting back to the classroom," he interrupted. "You probably shouldn't have come, seeing as the students will be wondering what happened. Still, what's done is done, and so you should be getting back."

"I'll be going then," Yagari replied briefly, turning back to leave. "I trust you can handle them."

As he left, the door clicking shut behind him, we were all silent in the much darker room. It would have been completely dark if it weren't for the sun shining outside.

"So, back to the point," Kaien turned back to us, resting his chin on his hands, as he surveyed me thoughtfully. "We're going to need someone to teach you to control this new ability. Unfortunately, we don't know who. Young aristocrats would normally have their family or a relative to teach them to wield their powers. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for you."

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