Chapter 16: Yuki and Kaname

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"Saki!" Yuki cheered as I walked into her room, "What are you doing here?" I ignored the question. After I had eavesdropped on the night class' conversation, I had come to Yuki's dorm, desperate to find out why Kaname Kuran cared so much for Yuki. I stopped and leaned against the door, looking at her sitting on her bed.

"What are you to Kaname Kuran?" Yuki looked confused, and slightly, could it be? Embarassed. A red tinge reached her cheeks, as she looked away.

"You have feelings for him?" I asked her, slightly more gently. Yuki didn't reply. I was about to give up and leave, when she finally replied, quietly.

"He-he saved my life when I was little." This was something I was not expecting.

"He saved your life?"


"From what?" Yuki turned to me, her eyes wide with memories and fear.

"There was a vampire, it was going to eat me, but-"

"Kaname saved you?"


"I see. Did you know Kaname before that?" Yuki looked doutful.

"I have no memory of anything before that winter night I met Kaname." Well, I couldn't say anything about that. I really shouldn't be nosy, but it did involve me, so...

"Why are you asking me all this?" Yuki broke in, looking curiously at me, "Did Kaname tell you something?" Like a pureblood would tell me anything. Time to give up, before she really starts suspecting something. Did Kaname tell me not to tell Yuki that I was her 'bodyguard'? I can't remember. I probably should leave now.

"It doesn't matter, you're lucky you have people who care about you, Yuki," I replied, getting up and walking out the door, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Back in my room, I pondered over the fact that Kaname had been close by when Yuki was attacked. How could that be the reason why he cared for her so much? So much to give her a bodyguard.

'A walk will help clear my thoughts.' I finally decided.

Outside the night dorm, and away from the night classroom, I looked at the swan fountain, gushing out clear water. Then I registered the presence of someone close by. Squinting at the fountain, I could see a hazy shape of someone behind the fountain, made blurry by the constant stream of water. Then he stepped out, his face now clear to me.

Zero stood there, his eyes glittering with hate. I smiled wanly.

"Long time, no see, Zero." His only response was to raise his gun, aiming it directly at me.

"Get back to your classroom, night class student." He ordered. I smirked, I was feeling pretty wound up, maybe I should just take it out on him...

"You do know that I am day class, right?" Nothing changed in his face. This guy really isn't going to show any emotion, is he?

"Fine," I retorted, folding my arms, "Shizuka Hio says hi by the way." Now there was a reaction. As I turned, and walked away, Zero's face was a mask of shock and anger.

"Hold on a second." A hand slammed into my back, pinning me against a tree. I craned my neck, to catch a glimpse of a gun at my head. Who knew Zero would be so violent?

"What?" I snapped, I wasn't in the mood to get shoved into a tree, didn't he know I was a vampire? His hand pushed even more firmly, into my back, as though he sensed my thoughts. I was, well, trapped.

That, was when I started seeing red. I could see a red haze, covering everything I looked at, covering them with what looked like...blood.

As if possessed, I bared my fangs, and somehow, broke out of Zero's grip, lunging towards his neck swiftly.

Just as I opened my mouth, ready to bite Zero, something hit me hard on my side, sending me flying towards the fountain, crashing into the side.

I got up slowly, holding my side. Whoever hit me had used an anti-vampire weapon. Looking up I saw Yuki, holding a pole, staring at her hands in shock and horror. Did she just hit me and regret it?

"Saki!" Yuki gasped, "What happened? Are you okay? I mean, are you okay, Zero? I mean-" As she stuttered about, I felt my vision clear, seeing everything without the red haze. What did I just do?

"Forget it." I muttered, standing up, still holding my side, so much for clearing my head. I walked off unsteadily towards the night dorm, with each step, the injury in my side getting better.

By the time I reached the night dorm, the hurt was only a throbbing pain in my side. Yuki's pole had more of an effect than I thought. I stumbled my way up the stairs, towards my room. Who cared if anyone heard me? Everyone was in class anyway.

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