Chapter 68: Touching emotions

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"You're back," the judge greeted us. "Now, we may continue the trial."

I nodded mutely. Time to hear the verdict.

"You are not a Level E vampire," the judge reprimanded me strictly. "You can control your blood thirsts at will, and killing a man has also caused problems between the human and vampire race." Come to think of it, was the judge a human or vampire? Frowning, I tried to sense his, well, person in a way. Still, I came up with nothing. He was a mystery.

"We have discussed your punishment," the judge continued stiffly. "And we have come to the conclusion that your sentence will be, either, life imprisonment or death. However, there are some alternative choices, but for Kaien Cross to decide, as the headmaster of the academy you are in."

"And what are the choices?" I would have thought my sentence was death for sure.

"Kaien firmly believes that you can have another chance to make amends and try to make up for your...flaw. However, your actions have put the council into an important debate on whether vampires can be trusted," the judge landed me a severe gaze. "The actual verdict has yet to be decided, as a result. Court dismissed."

The audience and other people and the room began to trickle out, their murmurings acute to my ears.

"Such a young vampire..."

"To think she would commit such a heinous crime..."

"Nothing more than expected, from a Level C."

"Saki," a hand landed heavily on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" I turned around to see Yagari standing there. "I'm fine." Maybe. Well. Not really.

"Well, I'm supposed to take you back," he headed back to the door. "Shina's been worried sick over you."

"That's nice," I replied, not really listening. "I appreciate it."

"I don't think I told you the story of how I met her," Yagari commented, falling into stride next to me. "I was out on an assignment. Two Level E vampires, but the association thought I could handle it. So they sent me off to kill them. In truth, there was actually a whole pack of them. The association was misinformed it seemed. They all attacked me, and even I can't handle a whole pack of them alone. Before long, my rifle was out of bullets and they were too close range for me to shoot them with a bow and arrow. I was all prepared to die, but lucky for me, Shina had been nearby and sensed the vampires and the commotion. She saved my life." He was silent for a while, and I glanced at him side-ways, trying to comprehend his words.

"So you owe my mother now," I stated. Yagari dipped his head in acknowledgement. "Is that why you agreed to teach me?"

"Partly," Yagari admitted. "But I wanted to see how a lower class vampire like you could cope. You had to be somewhat interesting, if you were the only Level C Kaien would allow into the academy."

"Oh," was all I could say. I hadn't realised that I was that much of a curiosity. Yagari stopped walking,   and I realised with a start, that we were at the van.

"Get in the van," Yagari pulled open a door. "I'm supposed to take you back home."

Hastily, I reached for the van door, pulling it open and hauling myself inside.

"Perhaps it's not in my place to ask," Yagari began, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "But what are you to Kaname?"

Why does everyone ask that? The answer's simple. To Kaname, I am just a puppet, someone to control, and someone to do the dirty work for him.

"Nothing," I replied stiffly. "I don't mean anything to him."

"So how come I've seen you being carried around by him a couple of times already?"

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