Chapter 7: Fortune Seeker

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Rima and Senri treated me with some kind of caution afterwards. As they left to go to work, leaving me alone to wander around the city, they gave me subtle hints to 'behave'. The city isn't very interesting. All the shops are the same. They either sell clothes, toys or food - food.

When was the last time I actually ate real proper human food? I had some last year, but... it just wasn't right. I couldn't taste it. It didn't taste like before.

You're a monster. Monsters don't go about eating human food. They only eat...humans.

Sighing, I stopped in front of a shop that looked slightly promising. Dream-catchers and charms hung from the ceiling and walls, while exotic-smelling remedies resided on table throughout the room. I spotted some semi-precious stones on one table.

"Hello," The speaker was a young woman dresses in robes with bright bracelets on her arms.

I nodded silently, not wanting to say anything.

"Can I help you with anything?" Her voice was persistent, almost annoyed.

"No," I replied, "Just browsing." Her reply was a strained smile.

"If you need help with anything, just let me know."


10 minutes must have passed, as I looked around the shop, investigating the perfumes and charms. Then I saw a poster on the wall.

Hana Akimoto to tell your fortune. Come see her now, to know your path of fate.

"Excuse me?" I pointed at the poster, "Do you know where I can find Hana Akimoto?" The shop assistant looked up.

"Yes, she's at the back here," She gestures towards a curtain behind her, "Do you want to see her?" I nodded, wondering if Hana Akimoto would actually tell my fortune. The shop assistant hesitated.

"You see, Miss Akimoto is a very... mysterious woman. Sometimes, our customers come out looking very scared. I assure you that she will very definitely tell you your fate, but you might not like it." I shrugged, I already knew I was doomed, to have it clarified by some gypsy wouldn't hurt. The assistant sighed.

"If you wish," Steering me through the curtain, I found myself in a narrow and short hallway, "You'll find her at the end." I gave my thanks to the assistant and walked in.

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