Chapter 73: Zodiacs

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The doorbell rang, interrupting Mum and I. We were lounging on the couch, our eyes fixed on the television in front of us. However, with the sudden interruption, we realised our stomachs.

"I just realised how hungry I was," Mum admitted, as she carried the food to the kitchen. I balanced a carton of drinks in each hand behind her.

"Yeah," I admitted. "I guess I am kind of hungry as well."

"Do you want any blood tablets?" Mum placed the food on the table, picking up a small packet of capsules.

"No thanks," I declined the tablets hastily. "I'll just go with the normal food." Blood tablets were disgusting, and I would not have them for my dinner.

"Do they really taste that bad?" Mum eyed the packet doubtfully. "After all, blood is kinda similar to each other."

"Mum," I looked at her. "Imagine you got a bunch of your favorite foods. Chicken, vegetables whatever. Then add in a few that you don't like, say celery. Mix it all up in a blender and drink it. That would taste horrible. Which is what blood tablets taste like."

"I suppose," Mum still sounded doubtful but she shrugged it off. "Well, I wouldn't know what they taste like, and I don't plan on finding out soon."

"Welcome to my life," I muttered under my breath. That's the problem with having a mum who was a hunter, when you were a vampire. mum can't make death vows against Level Es with me around, seeing as she couldn't vow to kill me, her daughter, and it extended beyond that as well.

What did the other hunters think of Mum? Did they talk among themselves about the Minagawa family, where Shina and her vampire daughter are the descendants of the Minagawa line? Did they scorn Mum because I was a vampire?

Thinking about that made my blood boil, and I vowed, that if anyone didn't like Mum because of me, I would go and drink their life out of them personally.

Oh, there you go, thinking like a vengeful beast already.

"Are you okay?" Mum's voice broke through my thoughts. "You seem to be in pretty deep thought, with your face scrunched up like that."

"Eh?" I was startled, as Mum's face loomed out in front of me. "Oh. I was just....thinking."

"Okay then," Mum's eyebrows rose an inch, as she began eating, biting into her food hungrily. I sat down as well and began eating, but I had lost my appetite. Thinking about all the trouble I might have caused Mum because I was a vampire really makes me worry. 

The food tasted like dust in my mouth, but I swallowed it anyway, my throat dry.

"Yagari's been teaching you archery, hasn't he?" Mum swallowed her mouthful. "Are you good at it?"

"Kind of," I shrugged. "He's a bit of a scary teacher, though." Mum's face creased slightly as she smiled.

"He can be a bit gruff sometimes but he has a good heart." I honestly wanted to just shove my face into the plate in front of me. Really? Maybe he does have a good heart, but.... I couldn't see it. The man who tries to make an orchestra out of frying pans, hollers at me that all my targets can dodge arrows, that I suck at archery in other words - that was a good heart?

"Yeah, he's practically bursting with positivity," I replied sarcastically, taking a bite of chicken. "You seem to spend an awful lot of time with him now."

"Really?" Mum looked at me with bright eyes. "He tries to help."

"He says it's because you saved his life," I continued, mumbling through the chicken.

"Don't talk when you're eating," Mum reprimanded me automatically, before replying. "He told you the story?"

"Mhm," I bobbed my head up and down enthusiastically. "How he was told there were two vampires, but there were a horde of them, and then you came in like an Amazon princess and saved the day. And his life."

"He exaggerated," Mum waved her hand in dismissal. "There were enough for two hunters to take them down, but it was hard enough for one. Yagari did a good job though. There must have been about fifty of them, and he took down about forty. The rest were smart though, getting up close to him so he couldn't shoot them as easily. I just made things a little faster."

"You still have Aquarius right?" Aquarius was Mum's hunter weapon. It was a long, elegant sword with runes and patterns carved onto the blade, but they were really faint. Obviously the blade was made of hunter metal, but it glowed blue sometimes, especially at night, which was why Mum named it Aquarius, as well as the fact that she was born under the sign of Aquarius.

"Of course," Mum replied. "She's the weapon I can wield best. It would be stupid to just throw her away like that." It was true. Mum could wield Aquarius with deadly accuracy, cutting at her opponents like a serpent, and the blade was just an extension to her arm. 

"Dad used a sword as well didn't he?" I wanted to sew my mouth shut almost as soon as I said that. Mum might still be upset over him. To my surprise, her eyes didn't even begin to tear up.

"Yes," Mum nodded, her face falling slightly, but a sparkle still stayed in her eyes. "He used a sword, Leo, he called it."

"Leo," I echoed. "Isn't it funny that both your swords were named after Zodiac signs."

"That was partially why I named my sword Aquarius as well," Mum smiled. "The signs of the water-bearer and lion."

"I guess my bow should be called Sagittarius," I trailed off. "That's the sign of the archer isn't it?"

"That's a good idea," Mum nodded. "I don't even know if the bow had a name. Let's call it Sagittarius then."

"Yeah." The two of us lapsed into a peaceful silence.

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