Chapter 45: Maria Kurenai

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"I'll have to think about it," I replied finally. "It is a very big change and all, and I'll need approval from my mum and stuff." Seira nodded understandingly.

"Of course, it is a very big change and you will need permission," she handed me a small business card. "When you make up your mind, please call this number. I hope you do end up working in the agency." She flashed me another smile, which I returned, after some hesitation.

It was almost dark by the time I arrived at Cross Academy. I went straight to the Moon Dorm, walking past the gatekeeper who made no comment as I strode past.

"You were back very late," Kaname commented from where he leaned against the door to the Moon Dorm. What he was doing out here, I had no idea.

"I didn't realise you would care," I retorted, reaching for the door handle. Kaname's next question stopped me.

"Are you unhappy in the Day Class?" I considered it briefly, tossing the idea back and forth.

"No," I replied finally, pushing open the door and entering the Moon Dorm, leaving Kaname outside.

It was true. I preferred it in the Day Class, mainly because the other students didn't look at me disapprovingly. No doubt it would happen in the Night Class. I could even imagine it happening myself in the Night Class.

All the other vampires, especially Ruka would look at me, their lip curling slightly with distaste or scorn, brushing past me as though I wasn't there. The unspoken reminder that I was once human would float around the room constantly, slipping through everyone's mind like a slippery eel.

I would be avoided, as though the aristocrats were worried they would be tainted by my presence. That's why I should stay in the Day Class. I wanted to stay human.

The front room was empty. All the other vampires would be in class. It struck me then that Kaname should be as well, so what was he doing out there? Waiting for me was probably not why he was out there. No doubt it had something to do with Zero or Yuki. His precious Yuki. What was it about her that made Kaname stoop so low to even start controlling me against my will?

Shaking my head, I made my way up to my room, climbing the winding staircase tiredly, wanting to just lie down and sleep. I would think about the job offer later.

It was ironic how I still slept during the night, waking up in the morning. Does that mean I still have some sense of humanity in me?

Pictures of the Level E, and the face of the terrified shop assistant flashed through my mind. I tried to shake it off. I wasn't like the Level E. I'm not a Level E, I'm a Level C... a Level B even.

In my room, I realised that, after all the drama that had happened today, I didn't even find myself a dress. Talk about my life being upside down.

Something caught my eye on the other side of the room. A suitcase sat there, looking expensive and posh. It didn't belong to me, so who did it belong to? Looking more closely, I realised the twin bed to mine looked as though it had just been recently made.

I had never bothered with making the bed across to mine, seeing as there was no point. Now, I was confused, scared even. Who had been here? I hadn't been told anyone was going to share a room with me.

My eyes fell onto the dress Yagari had lent me. It lay there on the bed, looking innocent and pretty. Except that I hadn't taken it out. I distinctly remembered putting it back in my wardrobe, so I could give it to Yagari later. I hadn't taken it out after that. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. I had never believed in ghosts. I know vampires exist, but I never gave a thought about ghosts. Maybe they do exist...

A caw broke through my thoughts and I looked up with a start. A black raven sat at my windowsill, its head cocked as it eyed me with bright red eyes. Red eyes like a vampire's. It stared at me keenly, a spark of human intelligence in its eyes as it studied me and my surroundings.

I was actually pretty scared then. What was happening to me? All these scary events - I really wanted to get out of here and someone. Anyone in fact, as long as I wasn't alone. Maybe I should go to the main building and return the dress to Yagari. I'm pretty sure he'll be there.

Snatching up the dress on my bed, I ran out of the room, feeling spooked and more haunted than ever.

The main building was lit up warmly, bright light sneaking through the curtains over the windows. I hurried up the stairs, clutching the dress tightly, finally reaching the headmaster's room.

As I reached for the door handle, the door suddenly swung open and Zero strode out. He looked just as haunted as me, his eyes wide with disbelief and anger, a tight set to his mouth. He barely noticed me as he brushed past, walking down the hallway with long, angry strides. What had shaken him so badly?

When I went into the headmaster's office, I was still at a loss. The girl I saw earlier sat on top of the headmaster's desk, swinging her legs back and forth like an excited child. Kaien himself sat at his seat, looking bemused about the child-like aristocrat that sat on his desk.

"Hello, Saki," the girl smiled at me, her pale purple eyes looking earnest and innocent, but I sensed a shadow beneath it. "I told you we'll meet again didn't I?" I didn't know what to say. To be honest, the girl scared me, but I couldn't see why.

"Saki, this is Maria Kurenai," Kaien told me, his eyes kind and with a trace of humour. "She'll be joining the night class, and sharing a room with you." That explained the suitcase. Did Maria also take out the dress?

The hairs on my neck began to die down, as things explained themselves. So it was just me. Maria giggled.

"Saki, I like your dress," she smiled. I smiled back, out of politeness. Maria was kind of...I don't even know the word for it. She didn't seem like the other aristocrats, carefree and happy, but it almost seemed unnatural how happy she was.

"Yagari lent it to me," I replied. "I came to return it."

"Did you?" Kaien blinked at me. "Well, as you can probably see, Yagari isn't here. If you want, you can leave it here, and I'll return it to him later." That sounded good. I didn't know what to say to him, seeing as that dress belonged to his dead fiancé, and I didn't want to bring back memories.

"Tell him I said thanks," I walked forward, handing the dress to Kaien. Just as he took it, Maria grabbed my arm.

"I've forgotten where the Moon Dorm is," she said, blinking up at me. "I wanted to go back, but Yuki isn't here, and Zero wouldn't take me. Can you take me?"

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