Chapter 30: Meditation

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I was going to spend the morning meditating with another teacher, who Kaien said was a surprise, then after lunch, go to the archery ranges.

"Just go to the clump of trees around the sun dorm," he said. "I get the feeling the sun mightt distract you."

Wandering off, I had about 5 or 10 minutes before I had to start this meditation thing. Might as well just waste it.

I might as well see the school stables. When I was little, my Mum would take me riding. She would just sit me on the horse and lead it along, while I sat on the top in delight. Those were the days before I became a vampire.

As I walked into the stables, I was met with the smell of horses, hay and straw. A horse whickered to my right. Looking to the right, I saw a slender, creamy-coloured horse, with a flaxen mane and tail. His eyes were dark and understanding, as though he knew I was a vampire, but didn't blame me.

"Firefly," I read the brass plate on the horse's stall. "I guess the name suits you." Reaching out, I stroked Firefly's warm muzzle.

"Are you a girl or boy?" I asked the horse, even though he or she couldn't answer.

"Firefly's a stallion," a voice said from behind me. Immediately I jumped, turning around. Firefly snorted, sensing my panic.

It was only Zero. I hadn't noticed him when I came in. He hadn't made a sound when I was in here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him coolly. He glared at me.

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I don't go to class now," I informed him, crossing my arms. I enjoyed the satisfaction of telling him that.

Zero snorted. Maybe he's been around the horses too much.

"Then wherever you're supposed to be, just go away. I'm not in the mood."

"You're never in the mood," I retorted. Then I had an idea.

"Does the headmaster let students ride horses?" Zero looked at me as though I was an idiot.

"You don't want to take Firefly out," he warned me. "If you haven't heard, stallions are not the best horse for beginners." I flushed at that.

"I am not a beginner," I snapped. I wasn't exactly a beginner, I was more of a - of a, uh, let's say, slightly more experienced than a beginner. I mean, I have ridden a horse before, so I guess I'm not a complete beginner...Oh, who am I kidding?

"Goodbye," I muttered, leaving the stables. I was hoping to enjoy myself before the lessons, but a certain person had to go and ruin my day.

By the time I reached the corpse of trees, I was fuming, and it didn't help when I couldn't see my teacher.

With a mutter, as I turned around to leave, I heard a familiar voice.

"Saki!" He shouted, running over, a smile on his face. I forced a smile. Be nice to the headmaster. Be nice to the headmaster. Be ni-

"Sorry I'm late," he panted, reaching me. "I had a bit of an incident." I nodded silently.

"So where's my teacher?" I asked him, trying to keep my voice neutral. He looked at me confused.

"Huh? Oh wait, no, because your teacher, is standing right here, in front of you!" He told me triumphantly.

Oh boy.

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