Chapter 18: Disciplinary Committee

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"Yuki, Zero," Kaien's voice came from the classroom door, "I'm sorry sir, but is it okay if Yuki and Zero come with me for a second? Oh, and Saki too." The teacher nodded immediately, seeming happy to be rid of the three of us. I wonder why, no, seeing as none of us pay attention in lessons, he probably wants to give us detention for the rest of our schooling career.

Following Kaien out the door, I nudged Yuki.

"Any idea what this is about?" Yuki shook her head. Kaien didn't stop until we reached his office. Opening the door, he beckoned us in.

"You're probably wondering why I brought you all here." Kaien said, once we were all seated in three chairs in front of his desk.

"You all know that Yuki and Zero are the guardians of this academy," He looked at us all expectantly while Zero rolled his eyes, and Yuki and I mumbled and nodded our yes, "Well, I've had some students complaining about why Zero and Yuki get to go out at night and not them. As a result, I have devised a method to further hide our secret. From now on, you are now the disciplinary committee!" He shouted out the last part happily, jumping out of his seat.

The three of us just sat in stunned silence. It was Zero who spoke first, his voice incredulous.

"The disciplinary committee?" he repeated, "Couldn't you have thought of a less stupid name? Why the heck did you think up 'disciplinary committee' of all things?!" The headmaster pouted at that.

"Zero! You're not being nice!" He a little kid, "Daddy doesn't like it when you're mean. You like it though, don't you, Yuki?" Yuki smiled, scratching her neck awkwardly.

"Well, I guess it has a nice ring..."

"See! Yuki likes it," Kaien shouted happily, and turned to me, "What do you think, Saki?" I was lost for words.

"Uhh, um, am I-going to be in the, uh, disciplinary committee?" The question was meant to be a distraction, and it worked. Kaien sat back down, frowning.

"Well, yes, I'm not sure. I only brought you here to tell Zero and Yuki, and I've already told the Night Class, so it only left you, so I brought you as well." I couldn't argue with that. One thing was for certain though. I had no intention of being in the committee, I doubted if either of the day class or night class would listen to me. I mean, I can't use anti-vampire weapons and I had no abilities, except to heal. How exactly do I 'discipline' people?

Kaien obviously knew that, because he just sat there, looking thoughtful.

A knock on the door interrupted our thoughts.

"Come in." Kaien called. The door squeaked open to reveal Kaname, and Seiren. Seiren's eyes met mine, and it was as though she threw daggers from her eyes at me. I looked at her, unflinchingly. I will not show any weakness.

"Kaname, what brings you here?" Kaien greeted Kaname warmly, "It must be important for you to come out in the day." Kaname nodded, and his eyes immediately met mine. I could feel Yuki blushing next to me, as she sat there, unsure of what to say.

"You mentioned the disciplinary committee to me," Kaname said, I had a bad feeling what he was going to say, "And I would like Saki to be in it." His words struck hard. I sat there, stunned.

"Why?" I demanded, standing up, "Why me? Zero's in the disciplinary committee as well, so he can take ca-"

"No," Kaname interrupted, looking at me with those calm red brown eyes, "You know why." The eyes forced me back into my seat, little by little, until finally, I sat there, my hands dangling by my sides, helpless.

Why did I have to drink his blood?Why was he even a pureblood if he was just going to control us like puppets, puppets connected by blood? It was so annoying. Purebloods are always ruining my life. If it hadn't been for vampires in the first place, I would be living a happy, ordinary life.

"Well then, Saki," The headmaster's warm tone reached my ears, "I suppose you can be part of the disciplinary committee." Beaten again. Kaname is horrible.

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