Chapter 86: Meeting him

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As I brushed past the black curtain veiling the entrance of the room, I looked up, hoping to see a familiar face.

"He's not here," Hana informed me shortly, almost reading my mind, as she sat down at a table. "I'm just a meeting point for the two of you." She said it nonchalantly, as though she was used to being a middle point, but I still felt bad.

"I, uh, hope we didn't inconvenience you," I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"It's no problem," the dark cloak shifted slightly as Hana shrugged. "I have nothing to do in my spare time normally, except when the occasional customer comes, wanting to have their fortune read." She shot me a glance and I felt my face flush red.

"Well," I shifted uneasily. Just what should I say? "I, uh, um, er-"

"Sorry I'm late," a new voice broke through the awkward tenseness in the atmosphere. Both me and Hana turned to look at the visitor, momentarily distracted.

A silver head popped through the black curtain, as Ichiru nudged his way into the room.

"Same curtain as always," he remarked, glancing at the curtain. "You should consider a renovation."

"You rarely ever come here, so what should it matter to you?" Hana replied coolly. "I'll leave the two of you in peace." With a swish of her black cloak, she swept out of the room, gliding like an ice skater.

"You two seem like good friends," I finally broke the silence that lingered as Hana left.

"Huh?" Ichiru looked up. "Well, we've had some...disagreements in the past."

"Mhmm," I nodded doubtfully. "It got so chilly in here, I almost needed a jacket."

"It was ages ago," Ichiru shrugged. "But Hana can hold a grudge."

"She doesn't seem like the kind of person to hold one that intensely," I remarked. "Are you sure?"

"Certain," Ichiru replied confidently. "So don't you want I know why I got you here?"

"Of course." All thoughts of Ichiru and Hana's relationship were swept away as curiosity took over. "What is it?"

"It's mainly just about the whole Shizuka and council business," Ichiru began, sitting on the ground with a soft thump. "You've probably figured out that I've gone into hiding."

"I figured," I replied, sitting on the ground as well. "I missed you." The bluntness of my confession probably surprised me more than it surprised Ichiru. Either way, he smiled, his eyes warm.

"I missed you too." Reaching over, he pulled me into a hug which I gladly fell into.

"Where were you hiding?" I asked him, my face buried in his jacket, breathing in his familiar scent. "I searched everywhere in the academy. Are you hiding somewhere outside?"

"I was still in the academy," Ichiru replied, his chin resting on my head. "It's the safest place I can be, without being caught or attacked by the council."

"You're getting good at hiding," I muttered. "Just as well you told me to come here before I went mad."

"I heard about Rido," Ichiru said suddenly. "Did he hurt you or anything?" His arm tightened slightly, as though he would hunt down Rido himself if Senri had attacked me. Which was highly likely.

"He hasn't laid a finger on me," I assured him. "Just scared me out of my wits when he arrived."

"He's in Senri's body isn't he?" Ichiru looked down at me. "Because it would mean we have to chase him out of Senri's body before destroying him."

"What?" My hands clutched Ichiru's jacket. "Destroy him? You're not going to actually fi-"

"I'll be fine," Ichiru promised. "It'll be no good if he's let to run free. People are going to be hurt."

"You'll be hurt," I protested softly. "You can't fight that monster!"

"You want him gone just as much as me," Ichiru tried to persuade me. "I'm a vampire hunter aren't I? I can kill him."

"No," I shook my head. Maybe I was being childish. Maybe Ichiru actually could destroy Rido. It was all a 'maybe'. What if Ichiru got killed instead? I didn't want him to die. Having Ichiru in hiding was one thing, but having him completely gone from the world was another thing.

"I'm not going to fight him right now," Ichiru sounded vaguely amused. How could he sound amused if he was about to get himself killed? "I'll see when the time is right. Who knows? I might even change my mind." Hearing him say that made me relax slightly. If I could persuade Ichiru not to go and confront Rido, he wouldn't be sending himself to his death.

"Hey, come on," Ichiru sat back, holding me by the shoulders. "I wanted this reunion to be a happy one. I'm not certain yet, so don't fret."

"I guess," I slumped reluctantly. "Promise me you won't do anything without telling me?"

"I promise," Ichiru assured me, standing up. "How about we go somewhere?"

"Isn't it a bit dangerous for you?" I looked up at him from the ground. "I mean, what if the council catches you?"

"It'll be alright," Ichiru pulled me to my feet. "I'm not completely defenseless. I have something to defend myself with."

"You had better," I punched him playfully. "I'm no good at fighting."

"It seems I have to protect the damsel in distress." Before I could protest, Ichiru picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder like a rag doll. "Be careful princess, the ground is a little muddy, you might get your shoes dirty."

"Ichiru!" I half-laughed, half-protested. The mood lifted as Ichiru made his way to the doorway, while I watched the room fall away behind the black curtain. All of a sudden, the dread hiding in my stomach about Ichiru drifted off into a corner, as I vowed to spend as much time with him as possible. Maybe then he would change his mind.

"Where do you want to go?" Ichiru set me down on my feet. I looked at him sceptically.

"You carry me out here without knowing where to go?"

"Maybe I should carry you back in then," Ichiru moved to pick me up.

"No, no, it's okay," I darted out of his reach. "How about we go to...How about we just walk around?"

"Will do." Instead of grabbing me and tossing me over his shoulder, Ichiru took my hand, pulling me along the street. "We should be quick, it's getting darker."


Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last updated and I'm sorry. For one, I couldn't find wi-fi, and when I did find one wi-fi hotspot, it was more like a coldspot. Slow as a snail. And second, I uh, uh, hehe...was procrastinating. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Happy New Year by the way ^.^ And thanks for reading! I appreciate every single peep you take at this story, and every vote and comment.
So, I'll just pop off to write another chapter ^.^

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