Chapter 27: Archer of Light

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As I came out of the bathroom, I realised what the time was. 11:39. I was so late. Immediately, I began running. Surely vampire speed will help me get to class sooner.

As I ran, I sped up, letting my vampire senses take over. Soon, everything was becoming a blur, but I saw everything so clearly still. I kept running. The classroom was just around the corner, and-

"Oof!" I gasped, as I crashed into someone rounding the corner. At the speed I was going, I sent the two of us flying, to crash into the wall.

"Sorry!" I gasped, looking down at whoever it was I crashed into. Just my luck. Lavender eyes glared at me from beneath white hair.

"Watch where you're going," he muttered, shoving me aside. Getting up, he turned to leave, but stopped, realising it was me. Immediately he had his gun out, pointing it at my forehead, as I got up.

"You're supposed to take the day off and go to the archery ranges," he informed me, though the gun never wavered. This school has archery ranges?

"There are archery ranges? And you don't need to point the gun." I replied. Zero shrugged, never lowering the gun.

"No-one ever uses them, I don't even know why you're going there," he turned around to leave, putting the gun back in his blazer. "They're just behind the stabes." Without further ado, he strode down the corridor, his hands in his pockets.

True to his word, there were archery ranges just behind the stables. Technically, they were just a flat of grass, with targets set up, a fence surrounding the area. As I let myself in, I saw a shed just to the left, and the firing range on my right.

"You're here," a man said, his back to me, as he sorted out a number of arrows. Two bows lay on the ground next to him. I don't know why, but he looked awfully familiar.

"Sorry I took a while," I apologised briefly. "I didn't know this school had an archery range."

"Not many people do," the man said, straightening up. "It was only used in the old days when they trained hunters." He turned around. I was surprised by who it was.

"Yagari? You're my teacher?" Yagari nodded, his one eye looking more or less annoyed.

"Guess you're like Zero," he suddenly said. "But your mother had the sense to feed you that vampire's blood." I flinched slightly at the memory.

"Right," Yagari suddenly said, picking up a bow. "Have you had any training with the bow and arrow before?" He asked, handing me the bow. I took it, feeling its smooth woodiness and weight.

"Not really," I replied truthfully. "I don't know where to start." Yagari seemed to sigh. I began to bristle. Did he expect me to be amazing at it on my first shot? He can dream on.

"Well then," Yagari decided. "We'll use this lesson learning how to use the bow and arrow properly." He picked up an arrow, fitting it onto the string, before drawing back smoothly. He stared at the target for a second, before releasing, letting the arrow fly straight, to smack into the target. I watched in awe, as I saw how it flew straight through the air, to land right in the centre of the target. Well, not really. With my enhanced sight, I could see that it was a little to the right.

Yagari didn't seem to notice. Handing me a quiver, he gestured for me to try shooting. I took the quiver, choosing an arrow gingerly, unsure of what to do. Finally, I fitted the arrow onto the string, like I had seen Yagari do. Bringing the bow up, I tried to draw it smoothly, but the arrow fell out of the string. I felt myself going bright red, as I bent down, scrambling to pick up the arrow.

"Well," Yagari sighed. "I suppose not everyone is a natural at first." As I picked up the arrow, he instructed me on, first, fitting the arrow onto the string, then drawing it.

"Tilt the bow slightly to the left," he instructed. "You'll find that it makes it much easier to keep the arrow in place." I did, and almost as though by magic, the arrow didn't fall out. I stared at it in awe, until Yagari coughed, snapping me out of my trance.

"If you're done examining the arrow," he began. "Maybe you would like to try firing." Hastily, I drew back the string, pulling it until my arms ached. Using this bow and arrow is awfully tiring. It was so tiring, I was kinda considering just letting go, and then remembered that I had to hit the target. Squinting at the red and white target in the distance, I measured the bullseye and let go. The arrow whistled through the air, to finally smack into the target. At the very edge.

I stared at the arrow, balanced on the edge of the right side of the target, mocking me. This time, I was certain I heard Yagari sigh, as he stepped forward next to me.

"Clearly, you're going to need to learn how to aim better," he began. "I can't see how you can control your power at this rate, let alone use that bow to wield it."

"Sorry," I muttered. Why does Yagari have to be my teacher? He's a hunter. I'm a vampire. It's like a maths equation. Hunter + Vampire = Not good.

"We'll start off with how to aim then," Yagari conceded. "When you shoot, try and stare at one spot. Close one eye if you must, but it works better if you point the arrow in the left quarter of your vision, at the target. Do you want to try again?" I nodded, picking up another arrow, and fitting it into the string. I did as he told me, closing one eye, and aiming the point of the arrow tip at the left quarter. Finally, I let go, praying that it would reveal much better results.

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