Chapter 64: Walking in the night

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I woke with a throbbing headache. My head felt as though there was a pin going on a racket inside my head. It hurt.

"Saki, you're awake," Maria's girlish voice greeted me. "You have to get changed quickly. Class is about to start soon."

The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn. Any light that fell in was pale and moonish, unlike the golden rays of sunlight.

"The rest of the Night Class have already gone," Maria told me. She sat on the edge of my bed, her legs thumping against it softly. "I stayed behind to wait for you."

"Thanks," I muttered, climbing slowly out of bed.

"Now that you've gotten your memories back, are you afraid?" Maria stared at me with those lavender eyes. "Or are you sad?"

"Memories?" I raised a hand to my head. "What-" Images flashed through my head at a dizzying speed, but my mind understood everything. The man in the alleyway. The dead body. Blood. Ichiru's kind face, smiling at me.

"That," I whispered slowly. "I don't know what to feel."

"Hurry up and get changed," Maria pushed a small bundle of clothes into my arms, bit mentioning my memories at all. "You'll have to hurry."

"Ok," I was a bit startled at the sudden change in topic, but took the clothes anyway. "Thanks."

In the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was messy, but otherwise fine. My eyes, on the other hand, were a mystery. It looked as though they were covered in glass, while I stared at myself emptily. The pale lips underneath was tilted slightly downwards, with no amusement or humour.

"Come on," Maria grabbed me by the hand as I emerged from the bathroom. "We can't be any later." She pulled me down the hallway, leaving only enough time for me to grab some things, before I was out of the room.

Maria dragged me into the Night Class classroom happily, not bothering to knock.

"I brought her!" She announced cheerfully to the room. "She finally woke up!" I stared in confusion around the classroom. Had everyone been waiting for me?

Turns out it was only Maria's attitude. Vampires looked up in confusion around the classroom, their eyes falling onto me and Maria. Very quickly, the voices began to murmur.

"She just moved from the Day Class - what was one of the Night Class doing in the Day Class?"

"They say she caught the eye of Lord Kaname."

"She looks rather plain."

"Minagawa Saki, that is not the name of any aristocratic family."

I stared ahead to the floor in front of me, trying to engage myself with the slight scratches on it. One of them looked surprisingly like a cat, with crooked whiskers and no eyes.

"Excuse me?" A voice asked from the front of the classroom. I looked up in surprise to see Yagari standing there, not looking very impressed. "Perhaps you would like to take a seat."

I looked reluctantly around the classroom. It seemed as though every vampire stared at me, their eyes tinged with red, their fangs bared.

"I don't feel so well," I raised a hand to my head. "Can I leave?" A murmur rippled through the room, which I tried to ignore. Yagari raised an eyebrow.

"You only just came in," he replied gruffly. "You want to leave already?"

"My head hurts," I muttered, not knowing what else to say. "Please?"

"Very well," Yagari leaned against the wall. "Make sure you go to the infirmary." I could almost hear his thoughts. What would a vampire be doing, getting a headache? Vampires don't get sick, but I guess I'm different. Vampire hunter weapons hurt me, human diseases hurt me. It's a strange life I have.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Maria touched my hand softly. I forced a smile at her.

"It's okay," I reassured her. "I'll go myself."


Out of the Moon Dorm, I debated over going to the infirmary or not. In truth, I actually did have slight headache, but I could cope with it. I didn't want to go to the infirmary. That place had too many memories. So did trees. And so did the Moon Dorm. Hell. The whole academy had too many memories.

But not the stables.

They say getting a new idea was when a lightbulb lit up in your mind. Not really in my case, but seeing as my powers are light-based, I guess a lightbulb did come up. The stables. Kaname never went there. Ichiru never went there. I didn't have any bad memories of anything there. So I might as well just hide out in there.

It was really dark when I got to the stables, but the moon was bright, and cast pale light everywhere. I had the sight of a vampire anyway, so I wasn't tripping over everything. It didn't help the eerie mood though. The sooner I was in the stables, the better.

It was quiet as I pushed open the door of the stables. The still figures of horses were almost invisible statues in the dark, but as I stepped into the warm, hay-smelling building, one figure on my right started moving.

A snort sounded from my right, followed by a whicker. I turned to see a muzzle reach out to my arm, nudging it and pushing it around.

"Hello," I whispered to the animal. I wanted to stay quiet just so I wouldn't disturb the others. Some of them shifted in their stalls down the aisle, but luckily, they were still again, and didn't disturb.

Reaching over, I stroked the warm muzzle of the horse, hearing it sigh in pleasure.

"Firefly," I remembered the horse's name. "I'm surprised you can still wake up at this time."

Firefly bobbed his head up and down eagerly and I smiled, despite myself. He looked as though he understood me, nodding like that.

Then his expression changed. His nostrils flared, his eyes widening, showing their whites.

"Firefly, what is it, boy?" I reached over to sooth the terrified horse. "It's okay."


My first reaction was to freeze. Then I sighed. I knew that click. It spelled trouble every time I heard it.

"What do you want?" I sighed, turning around. "Do you honestly have to point a gun at me every time we meet?"

"Go back to your classrooom, vampire," Zero hissed at me, his gun held out at my forehead. "You're not allowed outside the classroom at night."

How many times had I heard that line again? Way too many.

"I'm tired of hearing you say that," I snarled at him. I didn't even flinch when he pressed the gun against my forehead. "I just wanted to see Firefly and relax. How can I relax when you're being so arrogant?" Zero didn't looked convinced in the least.

"Why would you care about Firefly?" He challenged me. "Aren't you relaxed enough already? Or are you worried someone's going to hunt down this monster? Because I just might." He took a step forward, towering over me, an imposing figure.

I stared up at him unblinkingly.

"And?" Zero didn't bat an eyelash.

"Go back to your dorm, or I'll take you to the headmaster."

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