Chapter 37: Accidents

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"She's here," Senri commented, seeing the distant figure of Saki run up. "She took her time." Saki's long dark, brown hair flew into her face as she hurried to the two aristocrats. Her silver bow clutched in her hand, and a quiver of arrows strapped across her back, she looked more like a vampire hunter than a vampire.

"You're here," Takuma said, with false cheer. "Let's go!" Saki nodded, following the two of them into town, with a mumbled apology.

I felt tense as I walked into town behind the Takuma and Shiki. I could shoot a target, but I wasn't so sure about an actual moving Level E.

"I can sense it going over there," Shiki remarked, his eyes tracing up to the skyline. I could sense it as well, a being of corrupted hunger and bloodlust. Funnily enough, I could also sense another vampire nearby. Not exactly a Level E, but similar. Maybe I should mention that to Takuma and Senri.

"You should let me drink every drop of it!" The crazed howl sounded from an alleyway next to us. Immediately I reached for an arrow, nocking it and bringing it up, ready to fire.

"This way," Takuma lead the way down the alley. It was surprisingly bright, despite the dull and ragged appearance of the surrounding buildings. I kept my bow at ready, tense and ready to shoot the Level E, or anything that attacked us.

There they were. Yuki and Zero faced a Level E, Zero wielding Yuki's Artemis rod, while Yuki sat there at Zero's feet, her eyes glazed over. What happened to her? As I drew the string back, my elbow brushed the red flower on my dress. Oh yeah. I forgot to change out of it. Hopefully things don't get too messy, otherwise, I have no idea how Yagari will respond if I ruined the dress.

The arrow slid through the air, to hit the Level E at the base of his neck, just as Takuma swung his sword, slicing cleanly through the vampire and transforming him into dust and ash.

Zero and Yuki both looked up in surprise, as they registered Takuma, Senri and I.


"Are you two okay?" Takuma slid his sword back into its sheath, looking at them in concern.

"What was that?" Yuki whispered, her eyes transfixed on the dust and ashes that still littered the uneven, paved ground. "How can a vampire be so..."

"You should be going back," Takuma interrupted turning to me and Senri. "Let's go."

Zero said nothing, as he stood back to let the three of us pass. I stooped to pick up my arrow as I passed, before continuing, sliding the arrow back in my quiver.

"And Yuki, Zero," Takuma added, turning back to face them. "If you really want to find out, come to the Moon Dorm tonight." He was inviting them to his birthday party? Did Yuki even know if it was his birthday party?


Zero had his gun up at my forehead, before any of us could react.

"If you're done talking," he scowled at all of us. "Then you can all get lost." I stared at him in surprise, feeling the cold barrel of the gun against my forehead.

"Put the gun down," Senri said irritably, still looking sleepy. "It's dangerous." I could sense the Bloody Rose's metal quivering and rejecting me. Once upon a time, it would have accepted me, as a hunter. Now, it rejects me and will destroy me.

"We'll be going now," Takuma beamed. How could he just smile and wave when I'm the one standing here with a gun glued to my forehead?

Zero took back the gun, shoving it inside his blazer, before turning away and marching off, taking Yuki by the arm. Yuki hastily picked up Artemis, minimizing it, before tucking it into its pouch.

As I returned to my room, I felt a disturbing instinct that I was being watched. Surveying my surroundings, my hand lingered near the quiver on my back, fighting off the urge to just grab an arrow and shoot something. Movement caught my eye across the room, and immediately I yanked an arrow out of my quiver and fired at the movement.

Glass shattered, and a raven fell in through the cracked and broken window, its wing pierced by my arrow. It cawed miserably, staring up at me with red, sorrowful eyes.

With a gasp, I dropped my bow, running across the room and slipping off my quiver. I picked up the injured bird, kneeling beside it, examining the wound.

"I am so sorry!" I gasped at it, even though it wouldn't understand, cradling its small body. I got up, and in the process, cut myself on a shard of glass. Blood welled up at the gap, and I stared at it. The smell of blood was strong, from mine and the raven's. Some of it dripped onto my skirt, and I winced. At least the dress was black, so it wouldn't really show. I couldn't say the same about the scent. I'll have to scrub it thoroughly before I go to the party.

"What happened?" Kaname's voice came from the doorway, cool and emotionless. I looked up at him from where he leaned against the doorway.

"Nothing," I replied briefly, standing up straight, and walking out stiffly, the raven in my arms. As I passed Kaname, he suddenly spoke.

"The dress suits you," that was all he said. As I walked down the hall, I could feel his eyes boring into my back. Finally when I turned the corner, to go down the stairs, I dared to breathe. What was with him? Why does he always turn up at the most...inconvenient times?

I shook my head firmly. I have more important things to think about. Glancing down at the raven worriedly, I hurried towards the main building. Maybe the school nurse will know what to do.

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