Chapter 24: Light and dark

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"Hey," the voice said from behind me. "Stop right there." I wondered if I should, but being ordered around by someone all the time means that I am not going to be ordered around when I have a choice.

I kept walking.

Immediately something crackled, and ice froze around my ankle. Not him again.

I turned around as best as I could, killing my shoulder in the process.

"What?" I asked in annoyance. Hanabusa's glittering blue eyes of menace glowered at me.

"I smelt blood," he told me, walking closer. "And there have been so many scents of blood, that I wonder who could be behind it." He looked at me suspiciously, making me want to snap at him. I did eventually.

"Why do you always suspect me?" I demand. "How would it be my fault if someone goes and cuts themselves or just feeds another? Why am I always involved?" Hanabusa smirked.

"They say I'm a genius child and they're right. It's a simple matter of deduction. You are never there when the blood scent comes by, and neither is Kaname. I would suspect Zero, but I saw him the first time we smelt blood. It means that one of you and Kaname have been giving the other blood."

His eyes glowed red.

"Just what are you to Kaname?" I wanted to snort at this suggestion and laugh in his face. Kaname likes me? He wishes. Yeah right, he likes me, so he goes about forcing me to drink his blood, then ordering me around by that blood bond. I can just see the love in that.

"Whatever you're thinking it is completely off-track," I informed Hanabusa icily. "Now will you let me go?"

This is so annoying. All I was doing was leaving the infirmary for a nice day off from the attack. I was headed to the Moon dorms, and a certain pestering person had to go and stick me to the ground with a clump of ice, just so he could interrogate me because he's jealous.

"I am not going to let you go until you tell me what you've been up to," Hanabusa declared, folding his arms. I turned back to the front, sighing. What an idiot.

"You know you have committed a crime," Hanabusa informed me, walking around so he could face me. "You have been drinking blood of a pure-"

"Be quiet!" I snarled. This boy really gets on my nerves. As I felt my rage flare up, I also felt something in me.

As it exploded out of me, all I could see was blinding light. I heard Hanabusa cry out in pain and shock, as the light hit him.

I shut my eyes, scared at what I had jut done. As I opened them, the ice was gone, and faint rays of sunlight bobbed around, before they dissolved into the air.

"What was that?" Hanabusa gasped, scrambling to his feet from where've had fallen over. "What did you-"

"Hanabusa," Kaname's stern voice interrupted him. "You are not meant to attack Saki. In fact, you are not to attack anyone in the Moon or Sun dorms." I could have sworn I heard a wire snap in Hanabusa's brain. He knelt down immediately.

"Forgive me, Dorm President," he apologised hastily. "It was a misunderstanding."

Kaname didn't seem to believe that, but he let it pass.

"Go back to your dorm," he ordered the blonde-haired boy. "I need to talk to Saki." Hanabusa looked at me and Kaname curiously, a mixture of jealousy, and...relief? I didn't have time to ponder over it, as Hanabusa left, disappearing into the gates of the Moon Dorm, and Kaname beckoned me to follow him.

Kaname led me to a thicket of trees, where no-one could see us. Finally, he stopped, turning around to face me.

"I saw what you did," he informed me. "I already mentioned earlier that you have a similar blood ratio to an aristocrat. The thing is, you are a very unique kind of aristocrat. You still have a somewhat human nature, which cannot be changed. You already saw what happened with Hanabusa. You attacked him, with light. Control over light for a vampire is rare. It has never happened before in fact." He stopped, looking at me calmly. I had no idea what to say.

"So?" I asked. "There's nothing you can do about it now." I have to admit, I was pretty pleased about my new ability. If I could control light, which is something vampires are weak against, surely that means there's still some human in me, if I am not hurt by it.

"You have to learn to control yourself," Kaname told me. "That's why I want to take you to the headmaster, for you to learn to master this new ability." I shrugged. That was fine. If I can control it better, maybe the other vampires wouldn't attack me so rashly like Hanabusa did.

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