Chapter 79: Oops

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"Are you going back to the dorm after this?" Yuki asked me as we placed the dishes in the sink. The headmaster had volunteered the two of us to clean up, claiming 'my two daughters must have some bonding time together!' How we could bond when cleaning up the dishes was beyond me.

"Yeah, I still have some unpacking to do," I replied, placing a particularly clean dish in the sink. Obviously Hanabusa's. He ate so much, I'm pretty sure he even licked the plate clean.

"Zero's been really tense nowadays," Yuki continued, picking up a cloth. "Does it have something to do with Shizuka?"

"Well, she was the one that bit him." And bit me. "I think he would be more edgy with her around, and with Ichiru helping her."

"Hmm," Yuki was deep in thought. "I wonder -" Looking up, she let out a piercing scream.

"Yuki, what is it?" Yuki backed away from the sink, her eyes wide and her face taut with fear, as she stared at something I couldn't see. She glanced down at her hands and screamed again, a horrified expression stamped across her face.

"Yuki!" I reached the distraught girl and, not knowing what to do, shook her. Hard. "What is it?"

Maybe it was the shaking, or maybe it was my voice, but she finally looked at me properly, and glanced around one more time, the fear on her face dying down.

"What is it, Yuki?" Her face slowly began to cave in, fear and tears showing through.

"I saw," she sobbed, the tears falling in a never-ending cascade. "Blood."

"Yuki!" Zero burst into the room, looking desperate, and almost as scared as Yuki. He stopped, seeing Yuki and I crouched in the middle of the kitchen. "What did you do to her?"

"Mm," Yuki sniffed, her head resting on her hands. "I'm...scared."

"Don't be," I ignored Zero, concentrating on calming Yuki. "We're here. Don't be afraid."

"Yuki." Zero's voice was calmer as he sank to his knees next to her.

"Zero," Yuki whispered, raising her head slightly to look at him. The tie between the two of them surprised me. Despite how cold Zero acted, he must be really attached to her.

Oh, give them their alone time already.

I acted on the voice for once, edging out of the kitchen, abandoning my job. Personally, giving Yuki and Zero some space was higher on my list of priorities compared to putting dishes in the sink.

As I left the main building, I sensed someone right behind me.

"What is it?" I didn't bother turn around. I was pretty sure I knew who it was.

"Why do you sound so angry?" The petulant voice rang out. "I only wanted to ask you a question."

"Just ask it already."

"Really." Feet shuffled and Hanabusa appeared in front of me. "Do you have to be so unapproachable."

"Funny you should say that," I retorted, folding my arms.

Hanabusa’s ice blue eyes flashed, but he bowed his head, his arms raised in mock defeat.

“What can I say,” he sighed, his head turned in an exaggerated pose. “I suppose some girls will never fall for my charm.”

“Just get to the point already.” He was really putting me on the edge.

“Fine,” Hanabusa stopped his drama, crossing his arms. “Follow me.” He marched off in the direction of the Moon Dorm, while I had no choice but to follow.

“Kaname is planning something,” he said as we entered the Moon Dorm. “And I have an reason that you would know what it is.” We walked up the stairs and along the corridor, until he stopped in front of a room. Kaname’s office?

“Look here,” Hanabusa twisted the brass door knob. “What is he planning?” The door swung open to reveal a dimly lit room, empty, but well-furnished, with a bookshelf dominating one side of the room, and a desk in the middle of the room, commanding all the attention.

“What is he planning?” I repeated stupidly, before I saw what Hanabusa was pointing at. A chessboard sat on the desk, various pieces located around the board. A queen, a bishop, a knight – I doubted Kaname would invite someone over to play a game of chess, but the pieces were set as though someone had been playing them. Some pieces lay knocked over, and those pieces formed a line to the knight. Perhaps it was only a chess set, but the whole thing had an ominous atmosphere to it, one which I did not like.

“Well?” Hanabusa looked at me pointedly, before walking over to the desk.

“Well what?” I asked him. “I don’t know anything about this.”

“I don’t believe you,” Hanabusa turned to me, his cold eyes flashing. “Kaname spends so much time with you, just what is your connection to him?!” At the last sentence, he banged his fist down on the table. Hard. A small layer of ice formed where he had hit the table, glistening slightly in the dim light.

“I don’t know,” I replied hotly. “Why do you keep suspecting me? I have no connection to Kaname whatsoever, and yet, you keep saying I do.”

“That’s what both of you say,” Hanabusa sniffed. “At least Yuki has some kind of a reason.”

“Yuki?” That was something new. Don’t tell me he confronted Yuki about Kaname’s plans.

“Just tell me already,” Hanabusa appeared in front of me. “Or I’ll take it by force.” Ice shot along the ground, climbing its way up my legs and reaching my knees. Hanabusa’s flirtatious grin completely contrasted the situation I was in.

“Well?” He breathed into my ear. “Are you going to tell me?”

“I don’t know.” I tried to push him away, but it is hard when you’re stuck to the ground. He just came back again.

“If you don’t.” I heard his fangs slide out, and his breath come down on my neck.

“I’ll take it by force.”

He bit down before I could react, and instinctively, I cried out. I could sense him tasting my blood, drinking it and trying to find any secrets I held.

“Enough.” With a sudden jerk, Hanabusa was thrown off me and onto the floor. “She doesn’t know anything.”

“Ichiru?” I turned to see the silver-haired boy standing next to me, his lavender eyes flashing with anger.

“Are you alright?” He turned to me, his eyes softening slightly, but still hard with anger.

“I’m fine.” I reached a hand to the bite marks on my neck. They still bled slightly, but Ichiru had stopped Hanabusa before he could drink too much. The red stains tainted my fingers as I looked at them, the smell of my blood lingering in the air.

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