Chapter 89: Yuuki the pureblood

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"She's an idiot! A darn idiot!" That was the first thing I heard as I came to. I think I knew where I was. A small smile twitched my lips as I drily counted how many times I had been here.

"Just what was she thinking?!" Yagari's on a rampage. Is it because he's genuinely concerned about me, or is he worried on Mum's behalf?

"Yagari, she's getting better. She's still alive."

"Why didn't you get rid of Rido? Letting him stay in the academy - were you trying to get someone killed?"

"No one is dead," Kaien's voice tried to comfort a stricken - no, angry Yagari. "Saki's alive and so is Rima. The two of them got Rido out of Senri's body. I can't interfere with vampires though. Kaname himself asked me not to."

"But he is still out there," a fist slammed on the table. "How can you just stand by? You're putting the Day Class at risk as well! Try to be more mature!" Footsteps stomped out of the room, soon followed by the slam of a door.

"Funny you should mention being mature," Kaien muttered to the now silent room. His softer footsteps pattered out of the room, the door clicking shut more quietly.

I lay there for a bit longer, my eyes closed, still seeing darkness. My body hurt still, throbbing occasionally, as it tried to send as big of a message as it could to my brain, screaming that it hurt.


The door creaked open again as footsteps marched into the room. It wasn't Kaien's or Yagari's, and I prayed that it wasn't Kaname.

"Where is Ichiru?" Hooray. Instead of Kaname, I get Zero. At least he was more straightforward with his anger. Kaname and his sly mind sent my head into a twist.

"What do you want?" I asked him, not moving. Blackness still obscured my vision as I kept my eyes shut. If I knew Zero, he wouldn't leave until he had an answer out of me. Force or no force.

"Where is Ichiru?" Zero repeated. Had he known somehow that I was awake?

"I don't know," I opened my eyes fully, sitting up, ignoring the protests my body gave. "So quit bugging me."

"You know where he is," Zero repeated, his face tense. "Just tell me already."

"I don't know." I really wanted to smack him in the face. Was it harassment when someone marches into an infirmary, forcing a patient to give them information they don't have?

"You don't know?" Zero was disbelieving and I got the feeling that he wanted to shake the answer out of me.

Which wouldn't work anyway.

"No," I replied truthfully. Zero sat back, pondering, a brooding look on his face.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked suddenly, fear beginning to creep in. "Did something happen? Is he alright? About Ri-"

"Yes, something happened," Zero interrupted me. "But I have no reason to tell you." He got up to leave, his tall figure straightening up like an unfolding paper doll.

"Please tell me." It wasn't like me to plead, but Ichiru was someone who mattered a lot to me. Someone who I refused to see hurt.

Or dead.

Zero hesitated, his back turned to me. Maybe it was the desperation in my voice that swayed him.

"Ask Yuuki," he finally replied, leaving the room, his footsteps echoing dully on the wooden floor.

"Fine then," I muttered to the door that closed shut. "I'll ask Yuuki." Swinging off the bed, I grimaced as I discovered a new sore spot. This one was on my left shin. Funny. I don'r remember hitting it on anything.

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