Chapter 40: Gifts of Blood

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Yuki trembled visibly.

"I- uh-"

"How about we cut the cake now?" Takuma suddenly suggested, looking just as keen as the rest of us for a change of subject. "Here." He headed back down, and, picking up a cake knife, began to slice into the cake. "Ow!" The smell of blood wafted through the air, as Takuma accidentally cut himself with the knife.

"Here," Senri's calm voice echoed. I watched as Senri bent down to lick the blood of Takuma's finger."it should heal now."

"You were never one to waste blood were you?" Takuma teased him playfully. Senri just stared at him with his usual sleepy gaze.

"Not really."

All of us had felt the attraction to the blood when Takuma cut himself, but no-one showed any sign of it. Zero however, had unease and anger stamped all over his face.

With an audible mutter of disbelief, Zero stormed down the stairs and out of the courtyard. The rest of the Night Class watched him leave, whether with relief or scorn, I didn't know. All I knew was that it meant I had to follow him.

Kaname caught my eye from where he sat, and I knew that he wanted me to follow Zero.

I headed in the direction that Zero had gone, weaving around the other students.

"Where is she going, I wonder?"

"She isn't following the Level E is she?"

"What interest does she have in him?"

Ignore them, I told myself. Just find the darn Level E and watch over him.

I could hear Zero's footsteps in front of me, along with every other sound in the night echoing into my ears. It made me feel even more aware, that I was at my peak in the night, which is where and when I belonged. Not in the Day Class or as a human, but a vampire.

Zero's footsteps suddenly stopped, and I looked up, still walking, and waiting to see his tall figure in the moonlight. He had gone off into the trees bordering the long road that led from the Moon Dorm. Stepping quietly into the thicket, I looked around for any signs of the white-haired boy.


The click was highly audible, and I felt something being pressed to the back of my head. I was pretty sure I know what it was.

"You move awfully quietly," I remarked, no turning around. "I didn't even hear you coming, and I'm a vampire." The point of the gun pushed harder against my head, and I could feel the cold of metal seeping through my hair to the back of my skull.

"What do you want?" Zero growled. In return, I immediately grabbed the gun, wincing as the metal rejected me, trying to force me back, but I held on, yanking it from my head. As I did, my nail scratched my cheek, creating a small cut. The minute my blood began to well up, I heard Zero's breathing increase, until he was gasping for air, retrieving the gun and clutching at his throat. I watched as his eyes turned from red to pale purple then back, until finally, the stayed red for too long.

I didn't know what to do or say. I could leave, but it wasn't really everyday when I left a Level E gasping for blood by a tree. But.

I have never fallen into a Level E-like state. I had virtually never been a Level D or E in fact. I mean, I drank my master's blood almost as soon as I was bitten, thanks to Mum, so I wouldn't know how painful or hard it would be. Finally my conscience won.

"Here," I dug into my wrist with my nails, watching as blood began to trickle out. "Drink." Zero's eyes flashed an even darker red, but he still shook his head, trying to distance himself from the blood.

"Drink it," I ordered, crouching next to him and holding my wrist by his mouth. "Just drink, okay?" Zero's eyes glowed completely red, and finally he bit down, unable to stop himself.

I could hear the loud gulps and swallows, as Zero took in my blood. Even as he drank, I could feel myself weakening. I couldn't help but to crumple to my knees, feeling so dizzy. How much blood did that vampire need?

I could feel Zero's fangs slowly release the grasp it has on my wrist. I stood up and swayed, my vision edged with black.

"You shouldn't have done that," Zero growled, glaring up at me, as he wiped the blood from his chin and mouth. "Now-"


That was all I registered before the darkness overcame me, and I fell. The last thing I knew was that when the bullet hit Zero, I smelt blood.

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