Chapter 51: A dress at last

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The door swung forward smoothly as I pushed it open.

A woman at the front desk looked up as I entered.

"How can I help you?" She inquired coolly, looking at me as though she had dealt with teenagers before. "We don't have any job offers available." I shook my head.

"I'm not looking for a job, I mean, I already have a job. Here. Can I see Seira?" The receptionist didn't seem to believe me.

"I hadn't been told there were any more employees," she looked down her glasses distastefully. "Perhaps you should-"

"It's okay, Rosanna," Seira's voice interrupted. She stood at a doorway, a big smile on her face. "I invited Saki over today. She's going to be modelling for us on the weekends." Rosanna didn't look pleased.

"Are you sure? She looks quite young."

"I'm sure," Seira replied firmly, a slight shadow of annoyance crossing her face. "Come on, Saki." I was all too happy to follow Seira through the door, away from the cold receptionist.

"I'm glad you could come today," Seira said as she led me through a corridor. Pictures and photoshoot results lined the corridors, and I just couldn't help stare at them all. "We've just had some dresses come in, and some of our older stock is still here. Here."

Seira stopped, pulling open another door, and walking through, me following at her heels. Seira stopped and so did I.

There were so many different outifts lining the room, from swimwear to casual clothes. It wasn't a small room, but it wasn't that big either. More like the size of an average shop.

"Evening dresses are this way," Seira led me to the right of the room, eventually stopping in front of a couple of racks of assorted dresses. "I can help you find one if you want."

"That'll be great," I nodded gratefully. "Thanks for letting me have a dress."

After a while of browsing through the dresses, I finally came up with one that I liked. It was relatively simple, a nice hue of red, with frills and ruffles adorning it from the waist.

"Is this one okay?" I called to Seira, who was animatedly searching through the dresses on the rack next to me. Seira looked up at the sound of my voice.

"Is this the one you want?" She inspected the dress. "How about you try it on?"

"Why not?" I smiled. Seira smiled back.

"The change rooms are over there," she directed me to a series of curtains at the side of the room. I followed her directions, going past the curtains.

Several minutes later, I emerged, wearing the red dress, holding a red ribbon. It was with the dress, but I had no idea where it was supposed to go.

"You look wonderful!" Seira gushed, clapping her hands like a toddler. "Would you like me to tie the ribbon in your hair?" Oh, so it was a hair ribbon. That made sense.

"Go ahead," I replied, handing the ribbon to her. "I have no idea how to tie it in."

"Sit down," Seira pushed me into a chair, beginning to take strands of my hair. Carefully she began to rearrange it, selecting various strands of it while I looked on.

"You have really nice hair," Seira commented as she clipped various parts up and brushed others down.

"Yeah," I replied absentmindedly, fingering the material of the dress I wore.

"There, done!" Seira announced triumphantly, letting my hair fall back in place. "Look at the mirror."

I glanced up at the mirror on the wall in front of me. And stared.

A girl with dark brown hair stared back at me, a red ribbon tied and twisted artistically around her hair in a side ponytail. Strands of it still dangled down, reached the red fabric around her waist. The dress she wore suited her well, curving around her like an affectionate cat, accentuating the lines and curves of her body.

"Isn't it nice?" Seira broke the spell, beaming at the mirror behind the girl. "You look perfect."

"This isn't me," I managed to stutter. Seira just laughed.

"Don't be silly, come on, you should probably change now, unless you want to walk back home like that." I grinned in spite of myself. Everyone would have a good laugh at that.

"I'll go get changed."

Seira had reassured me that I would be allowed to keep the dress as payment for my job, which has yet to come. So I ended up walking home, the dress in a bag swinging next to me, my handbag on my other shoulder.

"Hey, pretty lady," an arm looped itself around my waist. "What's in your handbag?" I resisted the urge to lunge at this person and bite them, drinking their blood happily until they collapsed to the ground, lifeless and empty. A hollow shell. Now was not the time to be thinking of this though.

"Get away from me," I responded sharply, pushing the arm off me. A face leered at me, handsome, but twisted with malice and evil. Not to mention the smell.

"Aww, I was only joking," the treacherous hand reached towards my chest. "Want to have some fun?" Immediately a thirst overtook me. How easy and wonderful it would be if I just put this sad soul out of misery, leaving their body completely devoid of life.
My fangs were in his neck, the next thing I knew, gulping away at his blood, and wincing slightly at the bad taste it had. Blood was the way to understand people, I knew. A kind person would have sweet, delicious blood, like Yuki does, but a horrible, malicious person's blood would be bitter and awful. I happened to land on one of them.

His gasp and choke of horror died away almost as soon as it began, his limp fingers brushing against my clothes, as though in a final attempt to take advantage of me.

What had I done?

Hey everybody! I am back, and writing stories faster than ever! My exams are over-well, I still have my music exam, but that doesn't matter. I suck at music anyway XD So I like to say that MY EXAMS ARE OVER! No more late nights for me ~(^.^~) (~^,^)~ Thanks for all your support and comments, you don't know how much I appreciate it! Especially how forgiving you were about my exams XD So I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote!
~ Evil_Incubator

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