Chapter 61: Disaster prone me

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Sunlight greeted me as I woke up. I stared at the ceiling, wondering what happened last night. Oh yeah, there was the ball. Zero was attacked I remember, and so was Yuki. Luckily, I think I managed to save them.

What else happened? Hmmm. I'm not sure but I don't think it really matters. Time to go to class- Wait. I'm in the Night Class now. Scrap that. Come to think of it, when did I get changed back to the Night Class? I don't remember being told that but I felt as though I had just been moved back. That was strange, but I probably just forgot. My memory isn't that great all the time.

So what do I do for the next...7 hours? I didn't feel like sleeping anymore, and I don't think I want to go out and see the other Night Class students.

You're missing something.

I wasn't missing anything was I? No. I don't think so. I might as well get out of bed now. It wasn't going to do me any good just lying around.

With a yawn, I sat up, placing my feet on the floor. Today was Thursday. Tomorrow's the last day of school then I'll be going back home for the holidays. If Mum will have me. Another problem to my list. What was I going to do in the holidays?

Only a couple of vampires were in the front room when I came down the stairs. Hanabusa and Ruka sat on the couch, while Akatsuki leaned on a wall. Seeing Hanabusa's smart, but casual clothes, and Ruka's aristocrat and well-designed clothes made me feel shabby in my jeans and shirt. Even Akatsuki's messy outfit had the air of nobility. Being in a dorm of aristocrats really sucks sometimes.

"Good morning!" Hanabusa spoke cheerfully, looking up. Seeing me, he turned back with a huff. "Oh, it's only you."

"About the other day," Ruk began, her eyes fixing me with a piercing gaze. "What happened?" I was struck dumb momentarily. What do I say?

"I told you," Akatsuki said with a sigh. "Saki has aristocratic powers for some reason. I don't know how but she almost tore apart the building trying to prove it."

"Well, I wasn't really about to tear apart the building..." I trailed off uncertainly. Neither of them noticed. Ruka turned to me.

"Really?" Ruka raised a delicate eyebrow. "Show me." Wait, what? I didn't really want to burn something else again. Not in the front room at least.

"Are you sure?" Akatsuki looked just as uncertain as me.

"Well it's hard to believe she does have these powers," Ruka pointed out, crossing her arms. "She can at least demonstrate them."

I glared at the blonde girl.

"Fine then." Holding my hands out, I tugged mentally at the light that resided within me. It began to flow out, but as always, slipped through my grasp. With a gasp, I tried to grab hold of it, but light is light, and it just slid through my grasp again.

This wasn't good.

LIght began to emanate out of me, lighting up the whole room, while I could do nothing. Light streamed throughout the room, beginning to blind everyone including me. As I closed my eyes, I heard Akatsuki's groan of dismay, while Hanabusa and Ruka gasped in shock.

"Saki!" A voice cried. I didn't recognise it. It seemed kind of familiar, but I had no idea who it was.

A hand grabbed my shoulder, shaking me and snapping me out of the horror of being unable to control the light.

"Saki!" The voice repeated. "Get that light out." How? How do I control it? Fumbling, I tried to grab onto something, light, anything. If only I had a more solid element like fire or something. At least I could touch it. How do you touch light?

How about you imagine you're touching light. It might just work.

Ok then. Screwing my eyes shut even more tightly, I imagined the light was just solid particles of...sand. Yeah, sand. Reaching out, I imagined they were touch and gritty like sand, so I can scoop them up, then deposit them back into me, to get them away.

I don't know how long I was there, scooping up light (or sand), until the light in the room eventually faded away. By the end of it, every part of my body ached, and I just wanted to sit down, or lie down.

"Are you okay?" The voice asked me. I squinted up at the face above me, already getting a little hazy. White hair, pale skin, lavender eyes.

"Zero?" I mumbled confused. Zero looked confused.

"Have you forgotten? I'm Ichiru." He looked kind of upset, but why? I've never met someone called Ichiru in my life, and I'm sure I would remember him, especially since he looked an awful lot like Zero.

"Who are you?" I asked him confusedly, forgetting about my complaining body momentarily. "I've never met you before."

"What are you talking about, Saki?" Ichiru looked confused. "You've known me for a couple of weeks now."

"What are you talking about?" I growled back at him. Was this guy retarded? I've never met him before - the only memory I could think up of him was Zero, and that wasn't Ichiru. I ached all over as well. I wasn't in the mood for idiots.

"If you insist on being that way," the white-haired guy replied, with a resigned sigh, turning away. "Bye."
He walked out if the front door, the door clicking behind him.

"Who's he?" I looked at Akatsuki, Ruka, Hanabusa for answers. They all gave me the same weird look Ichiru gave me.

"Don't you know him?" Hanabusa looked just as dumbfounded as me. "You were friends with him."

"What friends?!" I virtually screamed at him. "I've never seen that guy before in my life!" Ruka and Akatsuki looked concerned.

"You forgot about him?" Akatsuki was disbelieving. "But I even saw you yesterday with him, at the ball."

"That was probably Zero," I retorted. "I don't know who this Ichiru kid is." Ruka and Hanabusa exchanged a glance.

"You don't think," Ruka began.

"She lost her memory," Hanabusa finished. I glared at them both.

"Aren't you forgetting something here?" I tried desperately to change the subject. "My light abilities."

"Oh yes, them," Ruka returned to the previous topic. "Where did you get that power?" I crossed my arms.

"How would I know?" Of course I knew. Kaname's blood, but I wasn't going to tell them that.

"Did you attack another vampire?" Ruka looked at me disbelievingly. "I know that you're lying. You know how you got those powers."

Ahh. Yes. Ruka has the ability to weave illusions, otherwise, play with someone's mind. She can probably sense that I'm hiding something. Life never changes.

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I got caught up with some things, and then issues came up, I realised I had something called homework which I realised I had to do. Sorry! I promise I'll make it up to you somehow XD. Hope you enjoyed that chapter!

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