Chapter 13: Power at my Hands

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"Kyaaa!!!" The Day Class girls were the same as usual, screaming their love to the night class students. The class president was there once again.
"Ruka please! I love you!" That guy never gives up does he? Nevertheless, Ruka simply let out a dismissive snort at his words, and strolled past him, Akatsuki next to her as usual.
I was waiting at the side of the gate, ready to go in, once all of the night class students had come out.
A hand suddenly grabbed my wrist just as I was about to walk through the gates. Turning, I saw Hanabusa's gleaming blue eyes. The only problem was, they were gleaming with anger. He started off calmly.
"Last night, the smell of blood came into our classroom, and of course, everyone was quite disturbed. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?" He probably knew. I just shrugged.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Hanabusa's grip tightened. He stared at me with malice and hate.
"The funny part is, Dorm President Kuran had left the classroom earlier, and the blood we smelt was that of a vampire's. A pureblood. It just happens to be a coincidence that you are the only other vampire who was not in the classroom. I know that it is not Zero Kiryu, because I saw him patrolling around the classroom just as the smell came." He looked at me closely. I just shrugged again.
"Like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about." I made a move to leave, but he simply froze the wrist he was holding, encasing it in ice. He pushed his face up close to me.
"Do you know what you have done? You have drank the blood of a pureblood, and no doubt, without his permission, and you will be punished for this." Now I was getting annoyed.
"I said, I don't know anything!" I snapped, feeling my anger heat up, and suddenly, the ice on my wrist cracked, falling off in pieces. Hanabusa looked shocked.
"So you have drunk Lord Kaname's blood..." I stared in disbelief at my wrist. Then I remembered what Kaname had said.
The blood of a pureblood will make you much stronger than your current state.
He had never said that I would be strong enough to fight Hanabusa's ice abilities or anyone else's abilities.
A smile stretched across my face, as I realised the power I had.

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