Chapter 17: Blood Puppet

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Kaname's voice woke me up. I sat up immediately, blearily rubbing my eyes. Wait, what was Kaname doing in my room? I looked up to see Kaname leaning against my desk, looking at me with penetrating dark eyes.
"Yes, Kaname?" I asked. I felt...controlled to act towards Kaname with respect.
Kaname didn't reply, and suddenly, my arms and legs seemed to want to move on their own, walking towards the door. I held them still as hard as I could, shaking a little in the process. I must have been sitting there for a couple of minutes, glaring at the wall, and willing myself to stop trying to move.
That was when I felt the urge lessen, then disappear. What just happened to me?
"Drink my blood." Kaname's voice was commanding, as he stared at me, with the same, unwavering eyes. He had been standing there for some time now, just staring at me.
"W-why?" Haven't I already drank his blood?
"Just drink it." The same urge came to me again, only, this was directed to me, to sink my fangs in Kaname's neck, and bloodlust was mixed in as well.
"If-if you say so." My voice came out quietly. I felt as though I was doing something wrong, drinking his blood. I clambered out of bed slowly, walking towards him unsteadily, my vision hazing over with red.
Tenderly, I licked his neck, feeling and imagining the blood that flowed beneath, such rich blood. Finally, I sank my fangs in, piercing the skin and drinking into the taste of blood. Eagerly, I drank, lavishing the strong, rich taste, the pureness that you wouldn't get from a normal human.
You are drinking a pureblood's blood.
I stopped drinking suddenly. Kaname's command still echoed in my head, but that little voice in my head persisted, telling me to stop, to not drink my master's blood.
My master's.
"I see you've figured out now." Kaname's voice spoke, still serious, but with a touch of resign to it. I frowned, I still didn't understand. Then I realised I was still latched onto Kaname's neck, leaning into him. Hastily, I let go, stepping back from him, and dabbing at the blood dripping down my chin.
"When you drink my blood, it means I have control over you, I can control your very movements, because part of my blood is in you, acting with you. That urge you felt earlier? It was me. The fact that you could resist it meant you did not have enough of my blood within you, so I made you drink more. Are you satisfied? I imagine to a low level vampire like you, a pureblood's blood is the greatest feast for your level."
"You only wanted me to drink your blood so you could control me," It was a statement, not a question. My voice was flat and emotionless,"Why do you want me to act as your living puppet? Why not one of the other vampires?" Kaname's reply was brief and slightly uncaring.
"You have more human blood in you, much more than the other vampires, so you are an ideal choice. Your human blood makes you much less sensitive to sunlight unlike the other vampires. I have already told you I wanted you to protect Yuki. I assume you can figure out the rest." After the last part, he turned and walked out the door. Just as he walked out, he stopped and added.
"Your class starts soon, by the way." Oh yeah, I'm in the day class.

"Hello, Saki." The headmaster's voice greeted me, as I walked past the school garden, on my way to the classroom. I nodded a greeting back.
"Morning, Headmaster." The headmaster nodded back, his face saddening slightly.
"How's life in the day class?"
"It's fine." I replied briefly, my mind replaying back to why I was in the day class. I continued walking past the headmaster, who was just turning back to snip some more tomatoes off the tomato plant.
"By the way, Saki," The headmaster turned back to me, "Can I ask your advice on something?"
"Sure." I replied, wondering what he would want to ask.
"What do you think of this adorable kitty apron?!" He shouted happily, turning around and jumping into the air, proudly revealing a pink, fluffy, kitty apron.

In class, as I sat next to Yuki, I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. What was it about her that made her so special to Kaname? She was a human, he was a pureblood, as far as I know, purebloods look down on humans, simply as a minion, or a tasty meal. It didn't make sense. Yuki was sleeping again, her head comfortably pillowed with her arm. Turning around, I saw Zero in the same position as well, also asleep, at the back of the classroom.

Almost as though he sensed my gaze, he opened one eye blearily, and seeing me watching, glared at me with hatred, before turning his head the other way.

"Yuki Cross!" The teacher bellowed, looking extremely annoyed, "You will be having a detention after class, I will not have sleeping in my class. The same goes for you too, Zero Kiryu." Zer woke up at the mention of his name, but Yuki stayed asleep. At least, until Yori nudged her and whispered something about the canteen menu. Yuki immediately sprang up, crying out happily.
"Then let's dig in!"

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