Chapter 63: All in a daze, lost in a maze

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"What do we do now?" The voices echoed around the darkness around me. I couldn't see anything. Only nothingness.

"What happened to her?" Ichiru. Not him. Not him. I felt wetness on my face, but I couldn't feel my face other than that. My body wasn't here. It was somewhere else.

"You hurt her," the other voice replied. "So I erased her memories. Now she remembers." Kaname. What was he doing here? Why am I stuck like this?
Frantically I tried to open my eyes, wake up, order my body to move. There was nothing to wake up though. My body wasn't here.

"I hurt her?" Why does he sound so confused? Was he blind? Stupid? Did he not even understand me?
The realisation flew through me like a strike of lightning. I thought he understood. I was wrong. He had never understood my feelings, never even cared.

I already knew this. I already figured it out, but I suppose I had always clung onto the fact that I had been mislead, that he actually did care about me. I was wrong.

"I have her under a binding spell," Kaname's voice spoke calmly. "Before I release her, I want you to leave. You will only upset her."

"Then I should apologise," Ichiru's voice replied simply. More tears trickled down my face. Don't apologise. It's so much easier that way. I don't want to trust you again, in case you hurt me again.

"She's crying," Ichiru's tone was surprised. "Is she okay?"

"She might be able to hear you," Kaname replied. "So leave."

"Saki?" Ichiru's voice was louder now, closer to me. "If you can hear me, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." No. Not the tears. Block it. Block the tears flowing from you. Just block them. Shut his voice out.

He's saying something else now, but I can't hear it. I won't hear it.

"...No...Listen..." the words manage to find their way to my ears. "...I understand..."

"NO!" Those two words brought me out of my darkness. "You don't understand. You never will!" Without thinking, I struck out at the startled Ichiru next to me. Without warning, light came out of my fingertips, striking Ichiru, and sending him flying into the wall. He fell to the floor, the crash still echoing around the room.

"Just don't," I whispered, staring down at my hands in disbelief. What had I done? I just attacked him. I'm a monster.

"Saki," Ichiru got up from where he landed, moving over to me slowly. "I'm sorry." I turned away from him, trying to block him out. At this rate, I would only end up attacking him again. I can't look him in the eye.

"Saki," a hand touched my shoulder. Instinctively I flinched, shrinking away.

"I'm sorry," the hand retreated, and I heard footsteps leave the room, the door opening and closing quietly. "I'm so sorry."

I just sat there in a stupor, hunched up into a ball. I didn't even move when I heard Kaname settle himself beside me.

"I hadn't realised you would remember," he spoke softly, staring at the wall in front of me. "Maria unlocked your memories. What do you say now?" I didn't reply. As I stared emptily at the space in front of me, a picture flashed in my eyes. A dead body on the ground. Empty, drained of blood. Ichiru lying against the wall. I attacked him. I hit him. I could have killed him.

You've already killed someone. Maybe even more.

"Saki," a hand touched my shoulder tentatively. "Are you okay?" I didn't react. I was lost in a daze. I killed someone. I've hurt people that I cared about. People tried to help me, to make me forget, but it doesn't change anything. I still killed someone. I still hurt someone. I still got myself hurt as well. Now I've hurt someone else because of that. What was I doing? What am I?

"Saki, wake up," Kaname was shaking me now. The shaking seemed to wake me up and bring me back to reality.

"What?" Kaname stared at me intensely, his dark eyes focused on my own brown eyes.

"You're not okay," Kaname stated finally. "Your eyes are glazed over - What are you thinking about?" What was I thinking about? Was I even thinking?
"You're on the verge of madness." That was funny. Madness. I can just imagine what would happen if I went mad. I would destroy everything, unable to control the light in me. After that, I would be killed or captured by someone. Maybe the Hunter asociation, maybe the council, either one of them.

"Saki," Kaname's voice was insistent. "Stop whatever you're thinking, look at me." I stared at him uncomprehendingly.

"What is it?" Even my voice sounded dull. "Is something wrong?"

"You're one to talk," Kaname muttered under his breath. I could still hear him though.

"I heard that."

"You're not being yourself," Kaname studied me carefully. "What happened to that strange vampire who wouldn't even listen to a word I said, raged at every order I gave her, even fell out of a tree in fright - what happened to her?"

"She's gone," a smile grew on my lips. "She's gone and she might never come back. A monster took over her - she isn't here anymore."

"You said might," Kaname replied. "Maybe she is still in there. Come on, Saki. I'm sure people are worried, they will be upset-"

"No!" I gave him a shove, standing up. "Nobody will care. Not even you. Stop trying to act like the nice guy and just go away!" Kaname looked up at me, and a crease formed in between his eyebrows.

"Something's not right," he quickly grabbed me before I had a chance to react, pinning me against the wall by my wrists. "There's a strange presence around you."

"Let me go!" I cried, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Sorry," he whispered, pressing himself up against me. "You might not like this." I kept struggling, trying to resist his form pressing me against the wall. What was he talking about? What presence?
His fangs bit down on my neck as I struggled, stopping my movements. I stared ahead in shock, trying to find some way to get him away from me, to stop him from drinking my blood.

"Sleep, Saki," Kaname moved back, his chin and mouth dripping with blood. "You're free now."
One of his hands released my wrist, and surprisingly, I didn't feel like fighting back. That hand placed itself against my forehead and my eyelids grew heavier, finally unable to support themselves, while I fell back into that nothingness.
Hey, everybody! I'm sorry, every day, I'm updating later and later XD I'm updating this at 10 pm right now, because I was buried under homework (why does English hate me?) and I got hooked reading Fairy Tail, best manga ever (well, maybe apart from Vampire Knight), and I'm even considering writing a fanfic, but that's gonna have to wait until I'm done with this story XD Yup, this chapter might have been a bit boring XD Soz, but it should be getting back in action soon! After all, the holidays are coming up (as in, in the story) so anything could happen during then XD! Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
P.S Do you like the chapter name? It rhymes! I was so proud of myself for making it up XD I know it's kind of cheesy, but hey, I like cheese (well, most kinds), but anyways XD it even refers to the chapter, so yeah, most of my chapter names are kind of dull, so for once, I got an interesting one XD.

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