Chapter 46: Middle of two worlds

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"Ok," I smiled at Maria. Maria looked much happier, hopping off the table and pulling me to the door.

"Let's go!" I only managed to wave a good bye to Kaien, before I was dragged out into the hall by an enthusiastic Maria. For such a petite-looking girl, she was awfully strong. Of course, she was a vampire though.

As we left the main building, Maria slowed down, releasing her grip on my arm, and slowing to walk alongside me.

"Saki, are the vampires in the Night Class nice?" Maria asked me anxiously. I thought back to all the experiences I've had. Nope, they're not nice. I can't tell Maria that though.

"Why do you ask? I'm sure you'll fit in fine." She was an aristocrat wasn't she? Then I'm pretty sure they would accept her better than they did me.

Maria didn't look convinced.

"I'm such a weak vampire," she admitted. "I've always had bad health, and that's why I only just came to Cross Academy. The rest of the year, I was sick and doing poorly. What if the other vampires don't like me because of that?"

"I'm sure if you just be polite and friendly - and respectful to Kaname," I added. "You'll be perfectly fine. The vampires are all aristocrats, except Kaname, so they would accept another aristocrat."

Maria gave me a side-long glance.

"What about you, Saki? Are you an aristocrat? I don't mean to offend you, but I don't recognise the name 'Minagawa'." I stiffened, slowing down slightly.

"No," I replied tightly. "I'm not an aristocrat."

"Oh, then what are you?" What am I?

A monster.

Maria either didn't notice the shadow that crossed my face, or didn't care. Maybe she even enjoyed it.

I stopped walking.

"We're at the Moon Dorm," I told Maria coolly. "Your room is in the right hall, and the fourth door down. I'll be seeing you." With that, I turned on my heel and marched off. Maybe I shouldn't have been so cold to Maria. She didn't know that I was a Level C. Maybe I am a Level B, since I have the powers an aristocrat would have, but being Level B would mean I am fully vampire, with no link to my humanity. I want to say I am Level C, so I can tell myself I am still human somewhere.

Who am I? Really, where do I belong?

A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and I jumped in fright. Turning around, Zero stood there behind me.

"What was that for?" I growled. I didn't appreciate having the living daylights scared out of me.


"Do you want to walk into a tree?" Zero snapped. Confused, I turned back to the front.

A tree towered right in front of me, so close my nose was less than a metre away from it. In fact, I was so preoccupied, I would have walked into it, if it hadn't been for Zero.

"Sorry," I muttered. "But you could have said something, rather than just grab me." Zero ignored my remark.

"Tell Yuki to stay away from Maria Kurenai," his lavender eyes were hard, but they had a touch of concern in them. Concern for Yuki.

"What is it that you have against Maria Kurenai?" I asked, remembering how Zero had refused to take Maria. Now, he was telling Yuki to stay away from her. Well, telling me to tell Yuki to stay away from her.

"I would have thought you've realised," Zero retorted. "Seems that you don't." He left immediately after, marching off to leave me next to a tree, and very confused.

As if my day couldn't get any worse, a light rain began to pour.

It began first as small, inconspicuous spots of wet, landing in my hair and trickling down my clothes. Not a very nice feeling.

The rain got harder, beginning to really push through onto me, showering me with dampness.

I had no other choice but to run for the Moon Dorm.

I started to sprint, my feet flying across the sodden ground, trying to avoid puddles. At least I was only wearing casual clothes, rather than my uniform. It would have taken ages to dry.

As I ran, I heard footsteps splashing behind me. Who was there?

Slowing down, I turned around to see who was behind me and promptly slid over on a slippery patch on the ground. I fell backwards, my arms stretching out to the sides, looking for something to grab onto. Unfortunately, there was nothing. This is going to be embarassing.

Just as I was about to hit the ground, and arm suddenly swooped around my middle, catching me, and steadying me. I have to thank whoever it was that caught me.

I looked up with relief at my 'rescuer'. The minute I saw him, I wanted to run away.

Kaname's expressionless red-brown eyes gazed down at me, with a trace of...I don't know, scorn?

The good thing was, he carried an umbrella. Bad thing was, I didn't want to be under it.

"Thanks," I muttered, before marching off into the rain, away from the shelter of the umbrella. I would not share an umbrella with him. He probably wouldn't even like it anyway.

I didn't want to run again, just in case I slipped over, and I honestly would die if Kaname had to catch me again.

The rain stopped pouring on me for a second, as Kaname caught up with me, his umbrella shading my head. Immediately I reached up, pushing it away, before marching off again. The gates to the Moon Dorm were only about fifty metres away - I would survive.

Kaname reached me yet again (how does he walk so fast?) and for the third time, the umbrella shielded me from the rain. That was it.

I stopped, turning around to face him, arms crossed.

"What is with this act of kindness?" I snapped. Was he only doing this to try and persuade me to be his puppet again?

"I'm only trying to stop the rain from getting to you," Kaname replied evenly, with a touch of reproach. "You're soaked to the skin."

He had a point. My clothes were completely sodden, clinging to my skin like a second layer. My hair clutched my scalp in wet, bedraggled strands. In fact, I was shivering, but being so preoccupied with getting away from Kaname, I hadn't even noticed.

"I'm fine," I retorted, turning away and marching off. "And I'll be better if you would just leave me alone." I wouldn't get sick. Vampires don't get sick anyway.

About to enter the Moon Dorm, I stopped under the entrance, out of the rain.

Grabbing my hair in a bundle, I pulled it to the side and began squeezing water out of it.

Water splashed out of it like a fountain, dripping onto the floor to form a clear puddle next to my feet.

That done, I swung open the door of the Moon Dorm.

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