Chapter 26: Silver bows

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Stupid alarms, can't they let me sleep longer? Blearily, I reached a hand out, pressing down on the snooze button. Just 5 more minutes. I won't take long getting dressed.

"Ahem," the cough came from inside my room. Immediately I sat up. Who was in here? Looking around, I saw Kaname leaning against my door. Talk about being a stalker.

"What are you doing in here?" I demanded angrily. "Are you unable to knock or something?!" I was so angry, at the moment, I didn't even care if I couldn't control my powers. I wanted to blast that conceited pureblood right off the planet!

"I had to make sure you would get up," Kaname informed me. "Being more like an aristocrat means you aren't going to be as tolerant of the sun." Well, stuff the sun. I just wanted to sleep, and now I can't get back to sleep knowing there's some creepy weirdo standing in my room. Without my permission.

"Well, I'm awake," I informed icily. "And I would very much like it if you leave the room, while I get dressed." Kaname didn't move.

"I'll turn my back," he said. I glared at him.

"No, you will-" Almost immediately, I felt my mouth close. Kaname had a look of amusement dancing in his eyes. Grrrrrr, why of all people, does he have to be the one I have to obey?

"No, I'll turn my back," he repeated, turning around, to face the door. I couldn't say anything, and I didn't trust him.

Getting up, I eyed him suspiciously, as he stood there, unmoving, staring at the door. Finally, I crept into the bathroom adjoining my room. As I opened the door, I felt a rush of movement, and then something clamped onto my neck. A hand covered my mouth, and an arm wrapped around my waist. With a muffled cry, I struggled to shake off Kaname.

Kaname stopped drinking for a second, only to say.

"Stay still." Immediately, I froze. Why was he drinking my blood? He even ordered me to stay still.

"Stop," I tried to say, but the hand covering my mouth didn't move. Finally, I bit down on it, feeling the blood trickle into my mouth. Then I realised, I had only strengthened my blood bond with him. As I did, I felt Kaname stop drinking, releasing me. Almost immediately I swayed, feeling light-headed. I needed blood. Why on Earth was he taking my blood?

Kaname caught me before I fell, and I stared up at him, my vision blurring. A bloodthirsty monster, with a muzzle smeared with blood. A...Monster.

"My apologies," I thought I heard Kaname say. "I was hungry." Sure, he was hungry, I thought, as I closed my eyes, feeling so tired. I was also hungry.

I woke up in the infirmary again, first looking up at the white walls and ceiling. It was so bright. I winced, raising a hand to cover my eyes.

"You're awake," Kaien's voice came from the door of the infirmary. I sat up, staring at him unblinkingly. Then I realised what was going on

"Oh, yeah, I'm awake," I muttered. Kaien nodded, coming over, to sit on the chair next to my bed. I noticed he had a pretty large parcel with him.

"That's good," he said. "Kaname brought you over a while ago, saying that you had lost a lot of blood, but he didn't explain why." He looked at me expectantly, hoping for an answer. I wanted to tell him why, but the blood bond between me and Kaname was too strong. Instead, I just shrugged, looking down.

"I see," Kaien mused. "Well, I wanted to bring you this." He held out the package to me. I took it, feeling its weight. It was very big, covering my whole lap.

"Your mother sent it," Kaien said. "When I told her you were going to need a weapon, she sent this, even though I told her I could find you one myself. I haven't really looked at what was inside. Go ahead and open it." I did so, with increasing curiosity.

Inside, there was two long, wooden boxes, about a metre long, maybe more. Opening one, I found, with interest, a quiver of arrows, their shaft made of light wood, and fletched with delicate feathers. Opening the second box, I found, with delight, a beautiful, silver bow, etched with ornate designs. A note fell out, covering in handwriting which I recognised as Mum's.

Saki, this was your dad's bow, and now, it's yours. I don't think you've seen him use it, since he preferred a sword, but I hope you will. Take good care of it, and try not to touch the arrow tips. They were made with mother metal which I know will hurt you if you touch it. Good luck.

Love Mum

"So that bow was Hatori's," Kaien remarked. "He always seemed to use a sword though. Still, your mother knew best, and she was right. Aiming a bow and arrow will help you aim your light power, something you need to work on. I probably shouldn't be giving it to you now, since you're still weak, but the sooner the better. We have someone who apparently knows how to use a bow and arrow, and he can train you." Kaien told me. I nodded, still admiring the ornate design of the bow, tracing the carvings etched on it.

"Who's my teacher?" I asked, placing the bow back down. Kaien smiled.

'I'll leave it as a surprise," he said. "In the meantime, you'll need to recover your strength. These will help." He placed a packet of blood tablets on the bedside table. I stared at them nervously. They had better taste good.

"I'll be seeing you," he said, standing up, and leaving the room. I heard the door shut, and I carefully put the bow back in its box, placing the two boxes on my bedside table, next to the blood tablets. I took them, staring at them, before deciding that it wouldn't hurt to try. Slowly unpeeling one of the tablets, I placed it in my mouth. Slowly beginning to chew, I almost spat it out. It tasted disgusting. I needed the blood though, I was so weak. Forcing myself to swallow it, I reached for the packet again. This time, I took out a small handful. Hopefully I don't die from this.

Tilting back my head, and pouring the tablets into my mouth, I chewed as fast as I could, trying to swallow them quickly. I could feel the bile rising at the back of my throat and forced it down.

Finally, I had eaten them. There were still some left in the packet, but I was not, even for a second, tempted to eat them. I had enough anyway. The tablets I ate should keep me going.

Hopping out of bed, I found that someone had been kind enough to bring my uniform as well. It lay on a chair in a neat pile, along with my boots. Picking them up, I carried them to the bathroom to change.

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