Chapter 71: Through the veil

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I woke to the sound of crying.

"Yagari, what should I do? It's all my fault. I should have told her before. I'm so useless as a mum. How is Saki going to deal with it? She thought she was a Level C for all these years!" Hysterical sobbing followed her words, and I could hear Yagari murmuring to her, trying to console her.

"She needs time to recover," Yagari advised my hysterical mum. Amusement twinged in my mind. It was strange that Yagari, a scary hunter, could console and give advice to someone. He had really changed. "It was probably best she didn't know for all these years. If she had known, she might have given up on life completely. I told you about Zero didn't I? She could have ended up like him."

Mum didn't reply to this, but the sounds of her sobbing slowly died down, until she only gave the occasional sniff and whimper.

"Stay strong, Shina," Yagari encouraged Mum. "Saki will need you for support, and she's been through a lot of other things where she'll also need your support."

"What do you mean?" Oh no. Yagari, don't tell her about Ichiru or Kaname. Knowing Mum, she'll forget the tears and hunt the two of them down with a knife. While I do the same to Yagari.

"Well, she hasn't had a very easy time fitting in with all the other Night Class students, has she?" That was putting it delicately. At least he didn't tell her the truth full on. It wouldn't be very wise anyway.

"I shouldn't have sent her to the academy in the first place," Mum wailed softly. "But I was worried. It had been 10 years since she drank a pureblood's blood. If she lost control like that in the middle of a human school - Think of how many people she could have killed, before she gets killed herself. I thought the academy might have been a good way to keep her safe, and to keep the people around her safe."

"You did your best," Yagari assured her. "And it did help Saki in a way." What way was he talking about?

"She's opened up a bit. Before, she always had a blank mask on, hiding everything. Now, she shows her angry, frustration, even humour sometimes. She's different from the sixteen-year-old girl that first walked into the academy without a purpose. Shina, you did the right thing sending her there. Even if she wasn't completely happy."

Silence followed for a while after that, getting to a point where I was feeling a bit fidgety. Time to 'wake up', I suppose. Letting out a small sigh, I blinked my eyes open, seeing the colours of my bedroom ceiling. Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes, smothering a yawn.

"You're awake," Mum sounded surprised and upset at the same time. I wonder what for.
I nodded silently.

"Saki, I'm sorry," Mum got up from the armchair, walking over to me. "I should have told you before, but I didn't know how."

"It's okay," I said hoarsely. "I don't blame you."

I blame Shizuka Hio.

"I can deal with it."

I'm scared.

"I've lived this long like that. It doesn't really change anything."

I've lived this long on the verge of insanity. I can lose it any minute now.

Almost immediately, something clicked in my head. If I was still a Level D, then it meant I was human, in a way. So how do I have aristocratic powers?

"Mum," I began cautiously. "Does that mean I'm Level D right now?"

"Yes," Mum's voice was almost at a whisper. I could almost hear the cogs ticking in her head. Probably something along the lines of, 'she could become a Level E any minute now,' but that didn't matter.

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