Chapter 42: Complications

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The end of term ball is here. After that, it's the holidays, where I can go back home to see Mum.

It was ironic that the ball was so soon after Takuma's party. Right after I had solved one dress dilemma, I was met with another.

This time though, I would find a dress myself, rather than borrowing one. Speaking of which, I had yet to return it to Yagari.

Getting up and placing my feet on the floor, I stood up and almost fell over immediately. I was too weak. Where were the blood tablets?

Sitting down on the side of the bed, I reached across to the bedside drawer, hunting for the foul-tasting things. They weren't on the table. My eyes landed on a drawer in the table, and immediately I pulled it open.

Voila. There they were. One of the many curses of the vampire. Disgusting blood tablets.

Pulling them out, I unpeeled a couple of them, tipping them into my palm, bracing myself to eat them.

One, two, three. I tipped back my head and poured the tablets in, chewing as fast as I could, so fast that my jaws hurt. Bile rose up at the back of my throat, but I swallowed it down, along with the remainder of the tablets. They followed the bile down my throat, a train of grossness.

I'd swallowed them, but the taste in my mouth was awful. I wanted to rinse it out with something, but all I had was blood tablets, and I did not believe for a second that they would help. I guess I would have to hope the taste fades away.

Looking down, I found with relief, that I still wore my dress from last night. Heavens know how many times I've been stuck in a nightgown.

The dress was a bit rumpled and creased, so I suppose I'll have to iron it out.

Making my way unsteadily to the door, my feet flinched against the cold wooden floor. My boots weren't there. Maybe someone had taken them to the Moon Dorm. Either way, I wasn't looking forward to walking through the school in bare feet. Oh well.

I wandered through the hallway, trying to remember the way back to the Moon Dorm when I heard footsteps behind me.

Turning around, I saw Zero. He looked the same, with a messy uniform and the hard, cold look in his eyes.

"You shouldn't be out of the infirmary," He informed me, his arms crossed over his chest. I shrugged.

"So?" Zero looked annoyed.

"The school nurse won't be happy if she finds out that you're out of the infirmary," He began to march towards me. Uneasy, I took a step back. "I probably can't stop you from leaving though, so I'll have to take you to your rooms." With that, he picked me up effortlessly like a rag doll, slinging me across his shoulder as though I was just a jacket or cloak.

"Let me go!" I shrieked, kicking and slapping at him in vain. He barely reacted, just sounding resigned as he told me.

"If you carry on like this, I might end up dropping you." That stopped me, but I still didn't enjoy being carted around like some kind of dead weight. After one last kick, I slumped there, waiting for him to hurry up and get the Moon Dorm.

"You shouldn't have given me your blood," Zero suddenly said. "You can't trust me. You saw what happened. I drank too much." I didn't say anything, not wanting to get caught up in another argument.

"I tasted from your blood," Zero continued. "That you were supposed to watch me. In case I was dangerous." I stiffened, and Zero felt it.

"How did you know?" I asked slowly. Zero let out a quiet snort of amusement.

"Drinking someone's blood means I can read someone's emotions or feelings. Haven't you tasted Kaname's?"

What was he talking about?

A while later, Zero stopped in front of the gates leading to the Moon Dorm. Pulling me off and onto the ground, I landed with an undignified thump on the ground. I glared at him.

"What was that for?" Zero ignored me, turning around to walk away.

"I'm not going in there," he retorted in reply, before leaving.

"Some kind of attitude," I muttered under my breath, picking myself up and walking to the gate tower, where the hunched and wrinkled gatekeeper resided.

He looked up suspiciously as I walked through, but evidently recognising me as a vampire, let me pass with a grunt.

So, the first thing I had to do was to iron and clean the dress. Then I'll have to start looking for another dress. Part of me wanted to just lie down and die. I hated shopping. Especially for dresses. Wandering around, looking for one that looked 'just right', sounded like a complete waste of time. I didn't even know what kind of dress I wanted.

Still, I'll worry about that later. I had a dress to fix up.

Going through the front door of the Moon Dorm, I hoped I wouldn't bump into any of the Night Class, and I was in luck. The front room of the Dorm was completely empty. Where all the Night Class had gone, I didn't know.

Going up to my room, I shut the door, wishing it had a lock. Opening my wardrobe, I found both sets of uniform. The day class, and the night class. I hesitated, unsure which one to pick.

The night class, which, though I hated to admit, belonged to? Or the day class, as a reminder of who I used to be?

Finally my hand moved aside to a pair of jeans and a baggy sweater. I wouldn't be part of this. I didn't belong in Cross Academy. I think, during the holidays, I will see if Mum will let me change schools. Yeah, I think I would rather change schools, Cross Academy was just too... complicated.

Changing quickly, and putting the dress on my bed, I eyed it carefully, looking for the especially wrinkled parts I had to concentrate on.

Finding too many of them to focus on a specific area, I went to a cupboard which I knew, had an iron and board. I don't know how it ended up here, but I suppose since there was a spare closet in here, the school just out the irons and stuff in there.

Placing the ironing board against the wall, I plugged in the iron and began the tedious task of ironing.

Hello, everyone! Thank you all once again for reading, voting and commenting! What do you think of the story so far? This is going to just be a quick message of thanks, and I'm going to be a little slower in updating, since my exams are coming up, and so, precious one is going to be spent, slaving away over science notes XD Thanks for reading once again and have a nice day!

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