Chapter 76: La pique-nique

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I pushed open the door into the building, going inside, where Mum and Yagari were waiting.

"That little insolent brat," Mum was muttering under her breath, still steaming over the near miss. "In all my life I have known him, he dare-"

"Saki managed to duck," Yagari tried to console her. "And the council and association will punish him."

"He could have killed her!" Mum cried out, not for the first time. "And I'm supposed to stand by and watch?"

"He won't try again, I'm sure," Yagari replied, but he looked doubtful.

"So, maybe we should leave," I tried to intervene. "It's not going to make things better if we stay." Mum still looked like she wanted to March back outside and chop of Akiya's head. Don't ask me how I felt. I should be used to it, I mean, whenever I meet a hunter, my first thought is always, 'they hate me.' I was lucky I'm still alive actually. That arrow was awfully close to my head.

"How about we go and have our picnic?" I tried to distract Mum. "I'm getting kind of hungry." Wrong. I was the opposite of hungry. That incident with Akiya left a dry taste in my mouth, dissuading me from eating.

"Hmm." Mum had a steely look in her eye, and now, my annoyance at Yagari was completely gone, replaced with worry for Mum, and possibly Akiya as well. He is the one that's going to be murdered soon after all. I'll hold a bit of sympathy for that.

"I guess we can go home now," Mum finally said, but she sounded distracted. "Let's go." She set off at a brisk pace, walking through the hall, in the direction of the exit.

I heaved a sigh of relief walking after her, and sensed Yagari do the same next to me.

"She has a quick temper," Yagari muttered to me out of the side of his mouth. "Akiya should be careful."

"Agreed," I replied, keeping my voice low. "Don't let her hear us."

Yagari came back to the house with us, and for once, I didn't mind. Hopefully he could calm Mum down.

"I'll get the food ready," Mum headed to the kitchen. "Do you think you could find the picnic mat?"

"I'll try." I replied, as I headed off to the storage room.

As I searched the shelves for the mat, I thought I heard low voices talking. Maybe I shouldn't pry, but - I couldn't help it. Slowly climbing down from a stool I was standing on, I snuck to the door of the room, looking out.

The voices were still talking, and they came from the kitchen. Making my way as quietly as I could, through the hallway, and to the kitchen entrance. Pressing myself up against the wall, I dared to peek in.

Mum and Yagari were deep in a conversation of whispered voices. To me, it looked as though they were arguing, as Yagari raised his hands in desperation, and Mum mirrored the action.

"She can't go back... dangerous...." Bits of their conversation floated over to me, while I tried to figure out what they were talking about.

" promise..." Yagari's voice drifted across in reply. Both of them seemed too preoccupied to notice my presence, even though the two of them were both hunters.

"...don't care... darn pureblood...won't risk... life" Mum was starting on a new line, her anger and determination re-established. I should probably go now. It wouldn't help if I got involved as well. The darn pureblood must have been Kaname, and they might have been talking about the academy, but what for? I didn't get it.

Just leave them be.

Quietly drifting into the storage room again, I renewed my search for a picnic mat. Where was it? A rug couldn't be that hidden could it?

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