Chapter 23: Kuran

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"Yuki, what are you doing?" Kaname's voice came from the door of the infirmary. Yuki gasped.

"Kaname! I-"

"Are you trying to give her your blood?" Yuki looked down, her wrist dropping back down.

"Well, I-" Kaname's eyes glowed.

"Saki has enough blood anyway, don't you?" I felt his will seize mine, overpowering me. I swallowed.

"Of course, I have plenty." I desperately wanted to scream out that I was thirsty and I was hungry. For blood. I couldn't though, not when I am being controlled by a certain Kuran.

"Really?" Yuki looked at me curiously,

"Are you sure? You lost so much blood." She was right, but Kaname wasn't going to let up.

"It's okay," I forced a smile, "I've got enough blood." I sensed Kaname's satisfaction as I said this.

"I think Saki wants to rest now," he told Yuki gently. It was so weird, how he always treats Yuki like a little girl.

He saved my life when I was little.

Maybe he still remembers her as that little girl he once saved.

"I should go to class now," Yuki agreed, getting up from her seat.

As she walked out the door, past Kaname, he reached out, and hugged her, holding her close.

Opening his mouth, he looked like he was about to speak, but saw me watching. With a slight look of annoyance in my direction, he released Yuki.

"Be careful next time," He told her gently. Yuki looked away, a blush in her cheeks.

"Of course, Kaname."

I don't get it. Who can love such a monster? A vampire?

As her footsteps receded down the hallway, Kaname was silent, watching after her, an unreadable expression on his face.

"You wanted som-" Kaname turned to me, and I felt my mouth clamp shut. Instead, my head bowed, and my mouth spoke.

"What is it, Lord Kaname?" Even as my mouth moved, I felt the ridicule at this. 'Lord' Kaname? Why should I respect this monster who enslaved me against my will?

"You lost a lot of blood," Kaname said, with no greeting whatsoever. Not that I expected it.

"I went after a load of Level E vampires," I replied evenly. "With no training at all." His eyes glowed. I had already told him that before, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to justify it.

Finally, he held out his wrist. Digging into it with his fingertips, I watched as the bright red trickle come out.

The smell was amazing. I desperately wanted that life blood. I could remember its taste, how it satisfied my hunger. I won't drink it though. I won't let the bond between me and Kaname overpower me.

"Drink my blood."

He said it blandly enough, but the command still took over me. I leaned out, letting my fangs pierce the skin and take in more blood.

I gulped it down hungrily. I had lost so much blood and I needed more. In fact, I must have drunk enough to make Kaname feel faint, but he didn't show anything.

"Enough," Kaname finally said, taking back his wrist. I stopped, and I realised what I had done. Drinking like a bloodthirsty monster. I was a bloodthirsty monster.

"At the rate you drink," Kaname remarked, "You would have a similar blood ratio to an aristocrat." I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"So?" It didn't work, I only ended up smearing the blood over me. A couple of drops fell on the clean white sheets covering me. I looked down at it guiltily. Whoever cleaned it next would have a hard time washing it out, without some vampire smelling the blood.

"Go and get cleaned," Kaname ordered, pointing to the door leading to the bathroom. Slowly, I got out of the bed sheets, making my way to the bathroom. That was when I realised I was only dressed in a thin nightgown.

Just stay calm, I told myself, act as though nothing happened. It is Kaname who decided I should just go to the bathroom and I have no choice but to follow his command.

Still, I walked to the bathroom as quickly as possible, shutting the door hurriedly.

As I shut the door, I sat down against it with a sigh. Finally, I'm out of sight of that darn pureblood.

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