Chapter 49: Unknown

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"You're right," I admitted reluctantly. "Maybe I shouldn't be so upset. Thanks for talking to me." Ichiru smiled down at me, his pale lips curving upwards.

"I should be thanking you, it's the first time I've met someone like me." He got up abruptly, putting my arrow down on the bed.

"I was looking for Maria, but I ended up getting a little side-tracked. Have you seen her?" I shook my head, a bit disappointed that the mood was broken. This was the first time when I felt someone had truly understood me.

"I haven't seen her," I replied. "I would help you look, but I have to go to the main building for something." Ichiru seemed to accept it.

"Ok, I guess I'll see you later." He left the room, the door clicking shut behind him.


"Hello? Is Seira there?" I was in the headmaster's office, using the phone. The business card she had given me was clutched in my hand.

"I'll go get her," the secretary replied, her voice echoing through the line. Moments later, Seira's bouncy voice tumbled through.


"Hi, Seira," I began, feeling nervous all of a sudden. "It's me, Saki."

"Oh, Saki!" Seira's voice lit up. "Did you consider my offer?"

"Yes," I replied. "I would like to work in your agency, but when would you like me to work?" There was a brief pause before Seira replied.

"If you want, you can just work on the weekend," she offered. "I know you still go to school, so it might be easier for you if you did that." I nodded at the phone.

"That sounds good," I replied. "When should I come?" Seira was silent, thinking.

"Is it possible for you to come in the mornings, at around 10am? That gives us time to do photo shoots and such, so in the afternoon, we can sort it all out."

"Ok," I replied. "I can come at 10am." An idea came to my head.

"Does your agency sell evening dresses by any chance?"

"Evening dresses? Of course," the cheerful, but slightly confused reply came. "Do you want to buy one?" I nodded, even though she couldn't see me

"Yes, I need one for the end-of-term ball," I admitted sheepishly. Seira laughed through the line, her bubbling laughter floating through to my ear.

"If you want, for your first modelling job, we could give you a dress, kind of like payment. How does that sound?" That sounded good. It meant I didn't have to waste time searching shops and frightening assistants out of their wits.

Then a thought slapped me.

"The end-of-term ball is the day after tomorrow," I began slowly. "So I'll need the dress sooner." Seira sounded thoughtful.

"Could you come over after school? I can find you a dress, and then we'll just give it to you then, as prepaid payment." Seira was wonderful. She could always find a solution to my problems.

"I would really like that," I replied happily. "I'll come over after school today."

"Sure thing," Seira responded. "I'll see you later." The line clicked, the call ending.

I left the room in a happy daze, all my worries about Mum forgotten.

The bell rang and I jumped in shock. Time for class, I didn't want to be late. Then I kicked myself mentally. I had left my school books and bag in the dorm.

Come on, vampire speed, I urged myself, beginning to run.

I made it to class. 5 minutes late.

"Saki Minagawa," the teacher's sarcastic reprimand came. "I am glad to see you've finally joined us." I ducked my head.

"Sorry I'm late," I mumbled. "I had to, uh, run an errand."

"Well, please get to your seat," the teacher sighed. I keep forgetting his name. Turning back to the class, he addressed them.

"As I was saying, we have a new student..." I zoned out as I climbed up the stairs to sit next to Yuki.

"Ichiru Kiryu." The words broke through my thought bubble and I looked up.

Ichiru stood at the front of the classroom, next to the teacher. I didn't seen him when I came in. What was he doing here?

"I hope you will all make him feel welcome," the teacher finished. Girls sighed as he walked past them, looking for a seat.

"There's a seat next to me, Ichiru," one of them called. Ichiru smiled, but politely declined the offer.

Finally, he sat down at a bench. Next to me.

"Hello," he smiled at me. His hair was tied up with red string and a little bell that tinkled as he moved. He wasn't wearing his mask, so I had time to appreciate the features of his face. They were just like Zero's. His eyes were the same lavender hue as Zero's, his facial features identical to Ze- What was I thinking?

Snap out of it, Saki, I told myself.

"You're joining the Day Class?" I asked him, even though it was kind of obvious.

"Looks like it doesn't it?" He asked, taking out an exercise book and a pen. "I didn't expect to see you here though." I stared at the desk.

"Stuff happened." Ichiru nodded, rather understandingly.

"Ichiru, are you really Zero's twin brother?" It was break time, and as soon as the teacher left the room, girls had mobbed him.

"You don't look like Zero with your hair tied up."

"I can always let it out if you want," Ichiru offered with a smile, reaching to his hair. The way he smiled at the girl sent a pang of...what was it? It couldn't be jealousy could it?

"He's so much nicer than Zero," I could hear girls discussing. "And just as good looking."

That was it. I left the room, wanting the fresh air and to get away from those whispers and murmurs.

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