Chapter 82: A playing piece

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"I care nothing for her," Kaname's even voice replied. "But I refuse to see one of my important pieces disposed of."

"You released me for a reason." What was Kaname doing here? What was - I can't think any more. I'm so tired. Too tired.

You don't have much blood. Just go to sleep.

Sleep. That was the last thing I thought of as I drifted away.

"You have drunk the blood of another pureblood." Shizuka's voice drifted through my mind, as I wavered between consciousness and unconsciousness. It was followed by the quick realisation that I could smell blood. Rich pure blood.

"It's to protect the one I love," Kaname's voice floated in reply. "I will avenge you." Avenge her? But he was the one who killed Shizuka. I didn't get it.

"Silly boy." I heard her chuckle softly, before her presence disappeared, implying that she was dead.

"Saki." A hand touched my cheek. It woke me up slightly, but my eyes still couldn't open. Only my mind was awake, and even that felt ready to drop off any minute now.

"Saki." His finger touched my eyelids, making them flutter slightly. "Wake up."

"What happened?!" Ichiru. He was panting, either form running too much, or just hyperventilating. I think he was running. He might have just charged straight over. "Is she okay?" Was I?

Well, you have that little problem of being drained of blood by Shizuka, but aside from that, yeah, I think you're okay. Better than that in fact.

"Is she breathing? Is she even alive? Who did this to her?" He's not thinking straight is he? I almost wanted to reach out and hug him, just to tell him, 'I'm fine, don't worry. Stay calm.' I was too tired though. Way too tired.

"Saki!" Hands shook me, breaking me out of my dazedness slightly. It hurt. "Just wake up already!"

It was upsetting, hearing him sound so tortured and broken. Did I really mean that much to him?


Maybe I did. I wanted to hug him so bad, just to say to him, 'It's going to be alright.' I wanted to comfort him, but I was just too tired to. I'm sorry, Ichiru. This is all because of me.

"Get a grip on yourself." Kaname's voice was cool. "I'll give her some of my blood. It'll let her survive."

"Please do," Ichiru's voice was a whisper. "Don't let her die."

Kaname said nothing in reply, but I smelled the scent of blood wafting through the air. He must have cut himself with something.

"Here." Something warm touched my lips, and blood trickled into my mouth. Was it...Kaname's wrist? He must have been placing his wrist over my mouth, so blood would trickle in. Very slowly.

As much as I hated to admit it, I was thirsty for more of his blood. It was rich, and it satisfied my cravings for blood. But that was not a good thing. It meant he had more control over me.

"Can't you speed things up a bit?" Ichiru sounded pretty impatient but terrified as blood dripped through my lips. "She could die as we speak."

"You can always transfer the blood to her more directly if you wish," Kaname replied coldly.

"More dire - Fine." There was the rustle of clothing and movement as I heard Ichiru reach over to take some blood from Kaname.

Then something pressed itself against my mouth, and blood spilt in on my tongue. Not again.

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