Chapter 29: Alive

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Pain. That was all I felt, as I woke up, my head throbbing. Pain like 10 years ago, when the vampire bit me.

"She's awake," I heard a voice say. "I'm surprised. That was a very powerful blast which she released. And Yagari hit her in the heart. She shouldn't even be alive in fact." Someone snorted. Yagari.

"It had to be done," he replied. "Otherwise she would have attracted all the day class students, as well as the public and the night class, and how can we explain that lightshow? She was doing a science experiment? I don't think so."

"At least it was only an ordinary arrow you fired," another voice sighed. "Or she definitely wouldn't be here."

I tried to open my eyes then, and wish I hadn't. Sparks zoomed across my field of vision, and it was so hard to see everything. It was so bright. It was too bright.

I felt a shadow pass over my face and sagged against the pillow in relief. Finally, someone was kind enough to block the light. I turned my head, to examine my surroudings. I was in the infirmary. Again. I seem to spend an awful lot of time in here. Maybe I should just move in here. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about being stuck in a nightgown, with a pervert staring at me, if all my clothes were here.

"Saki, you're awake," I heard one voice cheer. The shadow over me moved away, and I flinched, bracing myself for the light, but it never came. Someone had turned off the lights, so the room was pretty dark, except for the sun coming in through the window.

I tried to sit up, but as soon as I moved, my chest ached so bad. Why did Yagari have to shoot me there? Someone, who I realised to be the headmaster helped prop me up on the bed, against a pillow. Scanning the room, I realised Kaname, Yagari and the headmaster were in there, studying me.

"The wound was a clean one luckily," Kaien began. "Yagari used a clean arrow so it wasn't infected either. Luckily it wasn't an anti-vampire arrow either." I nodded numbly from where I lay there, then froze. They treated to the wound? That means they saw...

"No, no, no," Kaien was quick to reassure me, seeing the horrified expression on my face. "We had the school nurse treat you, and she knows about wounds, and vampires and all." Yagari snorted, from where he leaned against the doorway.

"She sets off a light spectacle which could harm many people, humans and vampires, and worries over someone seeing her chest? Despicable." I glared at him then. Some people have their own personal bubble, and I was one of them. I don't like the idea of being taken advantage of.

"Well, back to the point," Kaien interrupted. "Kaname, Yagari and I have all agreed that we will need to put in maximum training, for you to fully control your powers. Another flash like that, and you might end up burning out, even worse than this time."

Kaname spoke this time.

"I can't have you in the infirmary all the time, so I shall have Hanabusa tutor you, since you are going to be training most of the time." I felt myself go cold. Hanabusa's going to teach me? Does Kaname honestly hate me so bad that he would send Hanabusa of all people to teach me?

"Can you get someone else?" I asked Kaname warily. "I don't think Hanabusa and I really get along."

"You'll get along," Kaname's voice had an order in it, and I immediately felt my voice snap shut, and my head nodding. Controlled like a blood puppet.

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