Chapter 38: Nameless Chapter

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"Just leave him in my care," the nurse reassured me, as she directed me out of the room. "I'll have him fixed up in no time." I nodded gratefully to the nurse.

"Thank you so much," I thanked her. "I have to get back to the Moon Dorm now."

"Of course," she smiled at me. "I suppose I'll see you some time later."

As I left the main building, I saw a figure coming towards me. What did he want now?

"I have another job for you," Kaname told me, falling into step beside me. "Zero and Yuki have been invited by Takuma to his party tonight, as you've probably heard. I want you to watch Zero, and monitor his actions closely. If he does anything to harm anyone, especially Yuki, make sure you stop him immediately. By all means necessary." Immediately Kaname's order took over me, and I bowed my head.

"Of course, Lord Kaname." The words tasted bitter in my mouth, but I couldn't stop them. One day, I will have my revenge on this creep.

"You should change now," Kaname told me. "I can smell blood on your skirt." He noticed? I guess I'll have to scrub the skirt extra hard.

I marched off to the Moon Dorm, ignoring Kaname, wanting to get away from him as far as possible. The sun was setting. Soon, it would be dark.

In my room, I changed into my day class uniform. Entering the bathroom, I took a bar of soap and a cloth. Soaking the cloth, I began to rub at the drops of blood on my skirt, adding soap occasionally.

Once I deemed it clean enough, I began rubbing it with a dry cloth. The party was going to start in a few minutes, and I wanted the dress to be dry by then.

Suddenly I felt something seize me. Looking up, I saw a pair of mismatched eyes. Red and blue. Red like blood and blue like ice.

I'm coming to get you

The voice whispered into my head. I stood up straight, beginning to back away. He was still out there. Cruel lips drew back into a smile, just as the image disappeared. I blinked, shaking my head. It couldn't be. He was meant to be dead. He is dead. I repeated it to myself as I continued to rub the cloth against the skirt.

Finally the skirt was dry enough. Holding it up, I examined it, my nose twitching, trying to see if any blood can be sensed on it. I thought I could smell a bit, but it could be from the dried blood on my hands, from where I cut myself on the glass. Speaking of which, I reached over the basin, turning on the tap and beginning to scrape off the blood on my hands.

Drying my hands, I picked up the dress and began to change. In the dress, it was strange. It was unusual to feel the air on my arms, after wearing clothes that would hide me for such a while. Mum would always encourage me to wear clothes that would catch everyone's eye, but whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, I would see a monster disguised in a pretty costume.

Turning around, I stared at myself in the mirror. In the mirror, I could see a girl with dark brown hair, almost black. Her eyes were brown, but they shone slightly red. She wore a black dress with white trimmings, a red flower pinned to the right of her bodice. Her beauty was vampiric and unnatural. That girl was not me. I will not be the monster that craves the life of others.

I should go now. The party will be starting any second now. As I moved to walk out of the bathroom, I realised something. Shoes. What will I wear as footwear? This whole dressing up parade was starting to annoy me. I didn't have time to find shoes. Maybe I packed some dress shoes?

Opening my wardrobe, I began to rummage through the bottom, hoping for something decent. My fingers brushed against a leather surface, and I stopped. I didn't remember packing anything leather. I didn't have anything leather in the dorm, except for my school shoes, and they were right next to me. Reaching inside carefully, I pulled out a pair of boots. They reached my knees, and were black and shiny, the kind of boots I imagined a goth would wear. The colour matched my dress though.

I frowned. Where had the boots come from? I didn't recall packing them, and I didn't think I had those boots at home. I stood up, holding the boots in one hand. A piece of paper fell out, and I picked it up, recognising my mum's elegant handwriting.

Just a little gift from me, it said, your selection of clothes was so drab I decided it needed some stylising.

~Your ever so caring mother

I had to smile at that. Just like Mum to slip something in.

As I exited the Moon Dorm, wearing my new boots and dress, I realised all the other vampires were already outside. I had a small parcel in my hands, which I planned to give to Takuma. I had picked it up from a small store in town, using the opportunity of hunting the vampire to buy something.

As I walked out, all the other vampires turned to stare at me. I walked forward, feeling conscious of the eyes that bore holes into me.

"Is that her? She looks awfully plain."

"Is that blood I smell on her? Such disrespect, coming to a party coated in the scent of her last meal." Maybe I should have scrubbed harder.

"I heard she and Kaname have been exchanging blood. Do you think they're lovers?" I shivered at that thought. Being Kaname's lover would be the same as being the lover of a rock that bosses you around. The darn pureblood was so stoney and emotionless.

"They're here."

"So they did come." I looked up with interest. Who was coming?

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