Chapter 74: Into the hunter association

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Hi everyone! I felt bad about skipping a day, and I've skipped a couple of days by now XD It seems to me that I'm updating less than I did before. Now that exams are over, the teachers are all like, 'Now that your exams are over, you can put your heart and soul into studying for next year!' *swoon* So, back on topic, I felt bad, and so, I wrote an extra long chapter ^.^ Enjoy!

P.S I'm pretty sure a lot of you are going to skip straight past this message and begin reading the story. I like to think you all just like the story that much XD

My mind felt soft and spongy, as I woke up, blinking in the change of brightness. The bed was also soft below me, and I sagged against it tiredly.

"Morning," Mum greeted me as I entered the kitchen. "Good sleep?"

"Yeah," I nodded, scratching the back of my head. Wisps of brown hair fell into my face, hindering my line of sight.

"What are you making?" I aske, brushing strands of hair out of my face. Mum smiled secretively.

"It's a surprise," she replied. What a surprise, and she was making it right under my nose.

"I can see what you're making you know," I pointed out. Mum paused from where she was kneeding some dough.

"But can you figure out what it is?" She inquired. I gazed at the cooking utensils and ingredients around her, at a loss. A bowl of lettuce and tomato sat next to her, and dough was being kneeded under her hands. Not to mention the loaf of bread and the sausages I could see balanced on the table in front of her. How could she make a dish out of those?

"Well," I began hesitantly. "No?"

"Exactly," Mum sounded smug as she resumed her kneeding. "How about you go find your bow and arrows, while I finish this up. While we're waiting for this surprise to be finished, how about we try out the archery ranges at the association headquarters, and you can show me what you learnt. Then we can go to the park and have a picnic."

"Oh," realisation dawned on me. "You're making food for a picnic." A smile twitched at Mum's lips.

"Guess I couldn't really hide it," she admitted ruefully. "You would have figured it out eventually."

"Let me help you," I reached my arms out to the bowl of lettuce and tomatoes, to make a sandwich.

"It's fine, Saki," Mum's arm blocked me. "It's been a long time since I last did something like this, preparing for a picnic. I think the last time I did that was when you were really little. You were so adorable then..." She trailed off with a sigh, her eyes glazing over as she recalled all those joyful memories when I was a toddler. Hooray.

"Erhem," I coughed, breaking her out of her daydream. "So we're going on a picnic?"

"Yup," Mum confirmed. "Now just go and find your bow and arrows while I finish off the dough." She had already taken matters out of my own hands, so I could only go along with it.

Padding upstairs, I bent down and crawled next to the bed, reaching under to feel for the wooden case of my bow. Touching its dusty surface, I scrabbled to get a firm grip on it, before pulling it out, coughing slightly on the dust that accompanied it. Now where were the arrows?

Reaching under the bed again, unconsciously aware of the dust that lingered in the air, disturbed by my moving of the bow, I felt for a wooden surface, signalling the arrow case. It wasn't there. Frowning, I crawled over to the other side of the bed, in case the box was below the far side of the bed. Reaching under again, my finger tips brushed against a well-oiled, wooden surface. Voilà.

Pulling the case out, I moved to stand up when a wave of dizziness hit me. It was so sudden, I sat back on the floor with a thump, my head spinning slightly. In the blur of my surroundings, something appeared. A pair of gloved hands, covered and dripping with blood suddenly appeared, reaching towards me, as though they were about to grab me.

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