Chapter 54: Bloody Kiss

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"Saki! Saki!" The voice called from below the tree. Ichiru. I'm surprised he even came after me. He wouldn't find me up here I'm sure.

"Saki, come down from there!" Maybe not. I guess he could see my silhouette through the tree leaves.

"If you're not coming down, then I'm coming up," I could hear him begin to clamber up through the thickage of the tree surprisingly fast. What else should I expect? He was a hunter, and hunters can match up to vampires sometimes in their speed and strength.

"Hey, Saki, we need to talk," Ichiru appeared from the other side of the tree, making me jump. "Please, it's not what you think." He reached towards me, and immediately I wanted to get away from him.

Please, don't, I thought frantically. I don't want your touch, your actions. It'll hurt me more, it already did. He still reached forward and I scrambled back. And wished I didn't.

With a terrified scream, I fell through the branches of the tree, leaves and other parts of the tree hitting and cutting me as I fell down, through them, unable to grab hold of anything.

Calm down, I told myself. You're a vampire, it won't kill you. The fall seemed to last forever though, the constant beating and slashing of trees and branches against my whole body. I was surprised I wasn't dead yet.

Finally I met with ground with a heavy thump, the world above me a confusing scene, I wasn't so certain that I wasn't going to die. Every part of my body hurt, and the light that shone through the branches on me was dizzying, intensifying and spinning around my eyes, making my head hurt. What was going to happen? Am I dead yet?

Blackness overcame me, and for once, I was relieved.

"Saki!" The voice shouted at me as I swam. It was a weird feeling, as though my I was swimming, but it wasn't me swimming, it was my mind. I didn't know where my body was, I didn't have one. It was just me and my mind, trying to push up against the darkness that fell against me in waves. Maybe I should just sink down, but I didn't want to. Sinking down was so scary, as though I would never be able to come back up again. Was I drowning? Maybe I was drowning. Finally the sensation disappeared. I didn't fall, but I didn't rise up. I just... disappeared.

A glimmer of light shone through. A face blurred in my field of vision. Ichiru. Or was it Zero? I couldn't tell the difference. My eyelids couldn't hold and they closed once again, sinking me in darkness.

"Kaname," a voice spoke. It sounded like Ichiru.

"She might not survive like this," Kaname's voice warned. "It was a harsh fall." Ichiru was silent for a while.

"Could you give her your blood?" No. I didn't want Kaname Kuran's blood. It was like a drug, running through my veins. Making me obey him.

"It is the only way she could survive," was Kaname's reply. I could sense him moving forward, but I couldn't move. It was like my body wasn't mine any more, just my brain.

"She's not in any position to drink it though," Kaname's voice had a frown to it.

"Do what you can," was Ichiru's reply.

The scent of blood wafted into my senses, and I couldn't help but want it. Rich blood is something no vampire can resist.

"I have no other choice," was all I heard before I felt something on my lips. Blood poured into my mouth, but it wasn't that which shocked me. It was the fact that another pair of lips were feeding me that blood.

He wasn't actually doing that was he?

"Kaname," I heard Ichiru begin in surprise, and I agreed with him. This was stupid. I wanted to push him away, but my body couldn't obey. Either way, the blood flowed in and I could feel it racing around, healing and strengthening my body.
Eventually, Kaname's lips left mine, and I could still feel the imprint it left on mine. That wasn't a kiss right? I mean, a kiss is normally between two...lovers. And we were NOT lovers. Not in the least. Kaname was only giving me blood.

At least no-one saw that.

Except Ichiru.


Darn it.

"Saki?" Ichiru's voice echoed into the night air. I was pretty sure it was night at least. How long had I been out for? Not long enough it seems.

Don't reply, I told myself. Pretend you're still unconscious. Stay still, breathe evenly, don't move, give no sign you heard him.

A soft hand touched my forehead and I almost jumped. Stupid Saki, I scolded myself. Stay still.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Ichiru's voice whispered to me, his hand stroking my hair. "I know you probably can't hear me, but wake up soon okay? I didn't mean to hurt you, and I never wanted to. Shizuka needs me though, and I owe her that much. It's hard being caught between two people. I don't know what to do." He was silent for a while after, and I just lay there, still and unmoving. Part of me was happy that he cared about me even a little bit. Another part of me was disappointed that he loved Shizuka. He owed her. What did that mean? Didn't Shizuka attack his family and kill them? Wait. If she did, then what does that mean?

Something's not right.

"Ichiru," a new voice hissed. I heard a gun click and sensed the presence of an anti-vampire weapon. Blood Rose no doubt.

"The gun won't hurt me," Ichiru said in response, getting up. "Shizuka hasn't turned me into a vampire." That was another mystery. If Ichiru was in the company of Shizuka Hio, why was he serving her if he wasn't a vampire? Why did Ichiru and Zero hate each other so much? It was all so confusing, as though there were mismatched puzzle pieces that didn't even fit together in the first place.

"What did you do to that vampire?" Zero asked, his hard tone not softening. I felt a slight breeze against my cheeks as Ichiru spoke.

"It's none of your business." His tone too had a defensive touch to it, and I pondered even more about the strange relationship between the two brothers.

"Zero!" Yuki's innocent voice came. "What are you doing? What happened to Saki?" Zero didn't reply, and I opened my eyes a crack and glanced to the side.

Zero crouched there, Bloody Rose lowered, holding his neck and gasping. The hunter's seal on the side of his neck glowed red, like his eyes.

"Zero!" Yuki crouched by Zero's side. "Are you okay?" Zero rasped something to her which I couldn't hear. 

Arms scooped me up and I hastily closed my eyes, feigning unconsciousness again. Ichiru walked off in the opposite direction, probably towards the Moon Dorm. The taste of Kaname's blood still lingered in my mouth, rich but sour at the same time. I wanted to spit it out.

"I know you're awake, Saki," Ichiru said, his strides not faltering. Here we go.

Hello everyone! So, my exams are officially over and now I can happily write up this story! Two chapters in one day! I'm on a roll! Thank you's to you all for reading, commenting, voting and every other nice thing you have done! I appreciate it tons and wish you all a Happy Halloween. Maybe that's why this chapter is set out completely at night XD What did you guys think about this chapter? I'm pretty sure I can guess which of you has a completely fangirled reaction XD Guess who!

Thanks for reading!


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