Chapter 56: Little Mishap

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The door creaked open and someone came in. I was pretty sure it was Maria, since the footsteps were light and delicate.

"Saki?" It was Maria.

"Yes?" I replied, not moving from my position on the bed. Maria herself sat down on her bed, the bed barely sinking under her petite figure.

"You spend an awful lot of time lying like that," Maria commented. "Is something wrong?"

Yes. Everything.

"Are you going to the ball tonight?" I asked her, waving aside the question.

"Of course," Maria replied. "I wanted to talk to Yuki, and you should come as well. That way the three of us can chat together." She seemed genuinely interested, but I sensed a slight malice beneath her words.

"You know, Saki," Maria continued, getting up from her seat. "I know who bit you. And that in itself makes you an enemy." I stared at her in surprise and confusion.

"I'll see you at the ball tonight," Maria skipped out of the room. A chill rose over me as soon as she left. Now I was even more certain Shizuka Hio had possessed Maria's body. Only she would know who turned me into a vampire.

That means I shouldn't go to the ball tonight. If Maria- no, Shizuka was already making these threats, I would be in more danger.

That's right, Saki. Hide away like a pathetic fool, sniveling over the threat to your life. At least go to make sure Yuki is safe. You wouldn't want her hurt because you couldn't protect her.

This was stupid, I shook my head hard. I didn't owe Yuki anything. It's her own fault if she decides she wants to 'chat' with Maria.

Then that means you're really a monster. Monsters don't help other people, they only kill others and help themselves.

I growled, my nails digging into my palms. I wasn't going to go. I wasn't going to throw my life away for someone else.

What's the point of your life then? Weren't you just wishing you could die? Or have you decided it's not worth dying for someone else, but yourself?

"Go away. Go away. Go away!" I screamed at the wall. Silence answered me and I fell back onto the bed with a thump.

I was going to go either way, I knew. My conscience would never allow me that.

The clock on my desk switched to say 12:07. As I stared idly at the sun rays that fell through the window, I remembered my power. It had been a while since it had last surfaced. I wonder if I still have it.

Sitting cross-legged on my bed, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply like the headmaster had told me to. The familiar swell of light rose in me and I bathed in it. It felt so nice and comforting, like something warm in your heart. Not like everything else.

As soon as that thought registered in my mind, the light changed to become something intense and dark. Before I could react, light radiated out of me and the temperature of the room rose. The smell of burning reached my nose and immediately I shook myself out of the reverie and tried to extinguish the light.

The temperature of the room slowed and began to cool slowly, fading at a rapid speed until it was back to normal. The smell however, did not. It still lingered, passing along the uncomfortable scent of burnt cloth. Looking down, I saw the outline of singe marks burnt into the white sheets. Much to my dismay, it didn't look as though the damage was temporary.

"Darn it!" I wailed, beginning to tug the sheets off the bed. Hopefully the mattress wasn't burnt either. Yanking the sheets off with a final tug, I inspected the mattress. It was slightly brown, but it was very faint, so luckily for me, nothing major had happened.

The door creaked open and someone looked in. Orange hair flopped to the side.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him innocently, feeling ever so conscious of the sheets lying at my feet and the slight singe on the mattress. Akatsuki frowned at me.

"I smelt something burning. Did you light a fire or something?" They smelt it. Any minute now Kaname would come rushing in to give me a scolding.

"No, not really," I glanced guiltily at the mattress, the singe sticking out like a beacon. "Something got out of hand." Akatsuki didn't look convinced in the least.

"I know a fire singe when I see one," he gestured to the burn on the mattress. "What happened?" He could see it? It was so fai - Oh, yeah, vampires have good eyesight.

"I was just seeing if my powers still worked," I admitted reluctantly. "It was an accident." Akatsuki frowned again. If that guy keeps frowning, he's going to get permanent wrinkles.

"What powers?" He didn't know? I guess I'll have to tell him.

"I can control light," I replied. Not mentioning how I ended up with that power. "See?" Holding up my hand, I began tugging strands of light from within me to come out. Unfortunately, the light had other ideas and began glowing from everywhere in me. Uh oh. It built up as it began trickling out of my grip, encasing me in a cone of light, beginning to expand.

"I get it," Akatsuki made a swift movement and the heat from the light disappeared, absorbed into him. Light still remained, but they weren't hot. Just bright. "Now will you switch off that light? It's hurting my eyes." I felt trapped.

"What if I don't know how?" Akatsuki looked deadpan as he walked into the room. I didn't blame him.

"Just," Akatsuki shrugged. "Absorb it or something. I wouldn't know how your light works." Absorbing it. Hmm. Briefly I imagined myself like a sponge, and light trickling back in like water. Light did begin to go back in, clinging to my skin like a mussel at first, before disappearing.

"There," Akatsuki sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Does Kaname know?"

I shrugged, at a loss of what to say. Akatsuki would suspect something if Kaname knew, because he obviously didn't tell them. They would also wonder how I got those powers, after all, I'm not an aristocrat.

"Akatsuki!" Hanabusa's accusing voice cried. "What are you doing in a girl's room? If you wanted a girl, you could have just found one when you go to class." Akatsuki looked as though he wanted to murder someone. Namely Hanabusa.

"You know it's highly inappropriate to enter a girl's room in the dorm," Hanabusa announced from the doorway, his nose up in the air. "Just think of what your parents would say. I know they wouldn't be pleased-"

"Hanabusa," Akatsuki interrupted. "Something's happened with Saki." Hanabusa paused and peered at me from the open door.

"I don't see anything wrong with her," he replied with a shrug. "Except for the fact that she's ex-human." Akatsuki raised a hand to his forehead. Seems like Hanabusa really gives this guy a headache.

"No, she seems to have gotten aristocratic powers somehow," Akastuki gestured to me. "She can manipulate light which is unexpected, especially from a vampire." Hanabusa rolled his eyes.

"You're just trying to change the topic!" Hanabusa declared, pointing an accusing finger at Akatsuki. "I won't forget that you went into a girl's room! Why Saki of all people anyway?" Akatsuki looked even more prepared to murder Hanabusa. And how childish was that kid anyway? He acts as though girls were a taboo.

"What are you two doing in the girl's section of the dorm?" Ruka's sharp voice came. The blonde-haired girl appeared. "And what are you doing in Saki's room, Akatsuki?" Akatsuki looked suitably embarassed and stressed. I don't blame him. I mean, his crush has just appeared and seen him in another girl's room. Obviously he's going to be pretty mortified.

"I can explain," Akatsuki began, pointing at me. "She seems to have-"

"Yes?" A new voice asked. As soon as everyone heard it, they turned to bow slightly from the waist. Except me.

"Lord Kaname," they chorused, all other thoughts forgotten. Kaname came into the scene, not in his usual uniform but in a black dress shirt and pants. Why was everyone here all of a sudden?

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