Chapter 3: The Moon Dorm

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Walking towards the Moon dorm after meeting the headmaster, I saw figures standing at the entrance to the building.

"I can't see why they would let someone like her into our dorm. She's only a regular. I mean, she was even human at one point," one girl commented with a sniff.

My cheeks burned, and silently, I imagined her burning to death in fire. She flinched, almost as though she had read my mind, then glared at me. How did she know what I was thinking? The girl's mouth twitched up into a smirk, as though she sensed my surprise. I was ready to glare back when a voice interrupted.

"She is in our dorm, Ruka, and I wish you would trust my judgement."

"Of course, Lord Kaname. My apologies," Ruka replied quickly, almost feverently. I stared with interest at the vampire who had spoken. He had to be something if Ruka was head over heels about him. Lord Kaname, as he was called, was tall, with long dark hair and red-brown eyes. Red like blood, and brown like an animal's pelt. A beast in disguise. I stared at him with unmasked hatred.

"Minagawa Saki," Lord Kaname's voice cut through my thoughts. I blinked at him.

"Yes?" I managed to sound curt and cold, like those many times I have spoken to boys trying to ask me out. A blonde headed boy with blue eyes pushed past to the front of the group.

"You address him as Lord Kaname," he fairly shouted at me, almost jumping up and down with frustration. "How dare you be disrespectful to Lord Kaname!" I almost dropped my bags then. Does that mean he was a pureblood? I should have sensed it earlier. To be placed in a dorm full of nobility. There was really no need to be reminded that I was a lower class vampire, especially by a pureblood who had all the other vampires scurrying around him like servants.

"My apologies," I struggled to keep my face composed. The blue-eyed boy glared at me angrily. Freezing cold suddenly wrapped around my leg. Looking down, I saw a whole chain of ice frozen around my leg, holding me to the ground, and leading directly to the boy.

"Hanabusa," Lord Kaname's voice (or so he was called) cut through our silent battle. Hanabusa's face turned red, and the ice around my foot melted away almost immediately. I smirked inwardly.

Kaname turned toward me.

"My apologies. We are not used to strangers, if you would not mind us." I forced a smile.

"It's okay, I've had worse." Kaname nodded, his brown eyes somewhat sleepy and thoughtful.

"I'm going inside," a sleepy voice cut in. It belonged to another teen boy, with ruddy, mahogany hair, and piercing blue eyes. He began to wander into the building, another girl following him, carrying a parasol. I couldn't see her face, but I saw her golden-orange locks, tied up into pigtails. "If that's all the new kid is, I don't see the point in staying out here any longer."

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