Chapter 6: Zero Kiryu

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I woke up in my room, my head still fuzzy from sleep. What happened last night? Lying back down, I let all the events from yesterday wash over me. I came to the academy, and - oh yeah, I got busted by Kuran. I wonder if he's still mad at me. Chances are, he's forgotten about you. Everyone does.

"Shut up." I said to thin air. Sitting up, I figured that it would be a good idea to come out now. What time is it? The alarm on my table said 8:13. Another day of loneliness. You can't even make friends with other vampires. What's wrong with you?

"Shut up!" I screamed. I was answered by a knock on the door. Briefly, I considered pretending I was still asleep. Considering how loud my voice was, chances are, I'm not believable. Getting out of bed, I opened the door to find the orange headed girl from yesterday as well and the reddish haired boy.

"What?" I snapped. I wasn't interested in talking to any more vampires. The girl looked at the boy. Finally she spoke.

"I'm Rima, and this is Senri," She indicated the boy next to her, "We were going to go out, and seeing as you're in our dorm, we thought you might want to come with us. Unless, of course, you don't like going in the daytime." Because you're a vampire. The unspoken words between us settled like a heavy fog.

'I am not a vampire, I am human,' I reminded myself silently, but there was no denying it. I was a monster. Finally, I looked up and nodded. "I'll come with you."

Rima, Senri and I walked out of the Moon Dorm gates later that day.

There was no-one in sight. Everyone was either in class or asleep. Because vampires sleep in the day and become monsters at night. Movement caught my attention as somebody stepped out from behind a tree. I blinked. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that he was pointing a gun at us. An anti-vampire weapon.

"Where are you going?" The boy was tall and lanky, a muscular build about him, but every inch of it was tense with wariness. He wore the day class uniform. A very messy one.

"We're going to work, Kiryu," It was Rima who had spoken. Her voice was emotionless, but I could feel static building up on her skin. Cautiously, I stepped away slightly.

"The headmaster knows we have day work." Senri interrupted, his voice, calm, but slightly tense, "You'll do well not to point a gun at harmless students, Zero. Bloody Rose is pretty dangerous." Zero gave a small snort of disbelief.

"Harmless? Do I have to mention that you are all beasts, with no heart. Look at you, you even have another monster with you." Turning his glare towards me, I realised that his eyes were a nice lavender shade. Like the flowers we had at home.


"You're the new student?" Zero's voice was harsh, "You're just like them, a monster in disguise." It hurt, it really did. Then I noticed something about him. It was like a smell or aura that radiated off him, reminding me in a way, of me, but mixed with a human scent. I didn't understand, how did he have a sens of vampire and human? I'm pretty sure no-one can be half-vampire and ha- Oh, now I get it. This Zero Kiryu is a Level E. Or D, he hadn't gone completely into madness had he?

"You don't understand anything do you?" I kept my voice tuneless, betraying none of my anger, hatred and disgust. "You think we enjoy being vampires, you think we like killing for our sake. You think all this and all that shows is how much you hate yourself." Zero's eyes widened, then narrowed. Without a word, he turned on his heel and left. The message he left behind was clear. This is not the end.

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