Chapter 48: Lonely together

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I still had to consider the modelling job, but I would need permission if I were to accept it. That's why I had woken up early to go the main building and ask the headmaster if I could use his office phone.

"Can I use the phone in your office? I need to call my mum," I stood at the doorway of Kaien's office.

I had been worried he wouldn't be in his office at such an early hour, but I suppose he had to get up early, with an academy of vampires and humans.

"Of course," Kaien replied. "If you would like the privacy, I can always leave." I shook my head, I had to ask him as well.

"Are students at Cross Academy allowed to have jobs?" Kaien looked at me, an indecipherable expression on his face.

"It depends," he replied. "Did you get a job offer?" I stared at my feet. How do I explain to him that I might end up working for a modelling agency?

"Yeah, you could say that," I admitted. Kaien nodded slowly.

"I would let you have a job," he began. "As long as you have the time to, and your grades are up to standard."

I'd forgotten. Time. I was in the Day Class, so it meant I would have to work at night, which I didn't want to.

"Is there any particular reason you want the job?" Kaien asked me. I suppose I did have a reason. I wanted to get out of Cross Academy as much as possible, just so I didn't have to face Kaname or any of the other Night Class.

Having a modelling job would also give me the chance to go and buy a dress for the end-of-term ball.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I do want the job for a couple of different reasons." Kaien nodded thoughtfully.

"You probably know that Rima and Senri already have part-time jobs, but they work in the day. It would probably be best if you also worked in the day, seeing as students aren't supposed to be out of the academy at night, unless they are on special hunter duties."

"Does that mean I'll have to join the Night Class?" I looked at Kaien bleakly. His nod of confirmation only worsened my mood.

"Think of it as an opportunity to make more friends," he suggested. I glowered at him. Now he was being stupid. "You don't seem to know many people. In fact, you even remind me of Zero the way you're glaring at me right now." I stopped glaring.

"Why would you compare me to Zero of all people?" Kaien didn't seem to hear the question.

"So the fact remains, you'll either have to accept the job and go to the Night Class, or stay as you are now, without a job." He was changing the topic wasn't he?

"Here's the phone, and you can ring your mother," he gestured. "I'll leave the room so you can have a bit of privacy." This man was awfully good at directing a conversation. I had to give it to him.

Picking up the phone, and beginning to dial, I gave Kaien a nod of thanks as he left the room.

The phone vibrated, ringing once, twice, three times. Finally something clicked on the other end of the line and a voice came on.

"You have reached the mailbox of 0.4.0-" I stabbed the 'end' button weakly.

I suppose I should have expected this. No doubt when Mum wanted to send me to Cross Academy, she wanted to get rid of me. To be completely rid of me, she would have to cut all connections.

A knock came from the door, and Kaien looked in.

"I couldn't hear your voice," he began. "Is everything all right? Did she pick up?" I shook my head numbly.

"No," I replied hoarsely. "She didn't pick up. Thanks for letting me use the phone though." I began to walk past Kaien, trying to swallow down the lump of guilt and sadness.

As I walked past Kaien, he said something.

"Everything will be alright." He sounded so certain, so confident.

No, I thought. It never was alright, and it never will be.

I marched down the hallway, my head down, trying not to meet anyone's eyes. My eyes stung with tears, threatening to trickle out.

"Saki?" I looked up instinctively, and saw Yagari looking at me with some confusion. He carried a rifle, and the sight of it made me feel sick. Another vampire hunter.

"Hello, Yagari," I muttered, pushing past him, half-walking, half-running. Confusion and worry emanated from him, making me want to run away. I didn't want anyone to notice me.

By the time I reached the Moon Dorm, I didn't feel so weepy. More empty actually. As though I was just a hollow case, my mind somewhere else.

In my room, I sat there, staring at the polished surface of my wardrobe. I couldn't fit in with humans anymore, especially not after the incident in that shop. Now that Mum wouldn't contact me, I was even more certain I didn't belong.

As I moved back at lie down on my bed, my hands brushed against a wooden surface. Looking down, I saw the box containing my arrows. I had no idea how they got there, but an idea began to form in my head.

Opening the wooden box, I took out one of the arrows, playing with it absentmindedly.

Their ends were tipped with mother metal. Which will hurt me if they touched me.

Gently I pricked the surface of my wrist with it. Static zapped through the wound as the metal rejected me. I would heal eventually, but it'll take longer.

Blood began to well up, and I brought the wound to my lips hastily, licking away the blood. If any of the Night Class scented it, no doubt they would come to investigate.

Then the door opened and someone came in. Ichiru. He wore the same mask from last night, but his hair and features were still easily recognisable.

He spotted me immediately, and I saw his face crease underneath the silvery locks.

"What are you doing?" He strode over, plucking the arrow from my fingers. "Don't tell me you're emotionally unstable." Was I? Maybe self-harm does count as emotionally unstable. I hadn't thought of it.

"Why would you care?" I responded emptily. "You probably hate vampires just as much as your brother does." I heard Ichiru's small smirk.

"Me and Zero are actually quite different," he began. "You've heard of the cursed twins haven't you?" I didn't make any reply, I just sat there, staring at my fingers. He continued anyway.

"One twin will be born with his powers, and half of the other twin's powers, and so, the other one would be much weaker. They will never become one until the stronger twin devours the weaker twin. And guess who the weaker one was." I didn't have to think. The resentment in his voice said it all.

"You were the weaker twin." Ichiru gave a satisfied nod.

"Because of that, my parents always liked Zero over me. I was never loved. Once upon a time, I would have relied on Zero's strength and love, but now, I am able to fight for myself. It doesn't matter if I'm alone. Don't undermine yourself, Saki. We are actually quite similar. No-one wants us, but we can still survive, and make our own future. Even if we are always second."

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