Chapter 34: No Idea

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Takuma's birthday part was tonight, and I had nothing to wear. I stared at my wardrobe sadly. I still had a bit of time before my lesson with the headmaster began. I opened the warddrobe again, hoping somehow, a dress had appeared in the warddrobe. Or not.

"Why me?" I groaned to the warddrobe door, resting my forehead against the wooden surface.

I ended up slaving over the questions Hanabusa had given me last night. Luckily I finished. Only problem is, the time I had used doing the questions had been the time I was hoping for to find a dress in the shops. Guess I'm going to have to find one. Looking up, I saw on the clock on my bedside, that it was already 8:50. Time to run.

Running to where me and the headmaster would meet, I could see he was already there, talking to someone, who had his back to me. My heart dropped. That someone, had white hair, was tall, and in the Day Class uniform. What was he doing here?

"Oh, good, you're here, Saki," Kaien beamed at me, looking past Zero. "Come on, Zero is going to join us today." Zero? doing meditation? That was hard to picture.

"Poor little Zero couldn't concentrate well in class," Kaien pouted. "So I brought him along to calm down and relax." Zero glowered. He clearly hated being here. I didn't blame him.

With a mutter, Zero turned and marched away, his back rigid.

"Zero, come back!" Kaien wailed, running after him. "I wanted you to be in my meditation class!"

I stood there, watching Kaien drag Zero back.

"Now that we're all here," Kaien beamed, pulling Zero in behind him. "Let's all sit down!" He sat down promptly, and I followed resignedly.

"No," Zero retorted bluntly, walking off to lean against a tree. "I refuse to be part of the circus." Kaien looked like he was about to cry.

"But Zero!" He wailed, like an overgrown toddler. "Meditation is fun! I promise!" Zero huffed.

"I doubt it," was his only reply.

"Fine," Kaien sighed. Taking off his glasses, he rubbed his eyes, suddenly looking much older and tired.

"Let's begin," he closed his eyes, beginning to take deep breaths. "Breathe in and out, for the count of seven." I followed him, trying to block out the impeding worry of the fact that I had nothing to wear tonight, and that Zero was standing a couple of metres away, glaring daggers at me.

"Let's see if we can begin learning to control and wield your power," Kaien began. "Can you feel it in you?"

That was a good question. It felt as though it do you phrase? Kind of fused into me. Like, I've read books about how people have powers at their core, or their hands or whatever, but me? It's kind of like it's just under my skin, all around my body.

"I suppose," I replied reluctantly, not sure how to explain to the headmaster that I couldn't really feel this power exactly.

"Okay," Kaien replied. "Do you think you can try to bring it to your hands or somewhere? Just so you can wield it." I frowned, trying to imagine the light in my skin, going to my hands. Nothing.

"I don't think so," I admitted.

"Don't worry," Kaien replied agreeable. "It might take some time."

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