Chapter 91: The deepest despair and darkest hope

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The smell of blood was overwhelming as I stepped through a door left ajar. I held my breath as I entered, hoping, praying that I wouldn't find Ichiru's body, or him lying wounded. Anything but that.

As the inside of the room came into view, I relaxed, letting out a sigh. There was no body, no wounded person, only a puddle of blood, and...a coffin? A short sword lay on the floor, still dripping, the metal stained with drops of the red liquid.

The trail had led me to a small building lying on the outskirts of the academy, which had been a surprise. I hadn't even known such a place existed.

As I walked towards the red puddle, light flashed onto the blade lying in the blood, catching my eye. Frowning, I bent down to inspect it, trying to figure out what gave me such a bad feeling about it.

It was a short sword, 40cm long approximately, with a plain hilt. The metal was alive, rejecting vampires. A vampire hunter's blade.

"I told you before, your gun can't hurt me," Ichiru addressed Zero, holding a short sword at his twin in response.

A short sword.


"Get away!" Ichiru leapt back. A silver blade flashed through the air as he swung at the vampire.

A short silver sword.


"Ichiru," I sat on the floor with a thump. "No."

The short sword continued to gleam dully in the faint sunlight, mocking me.

I don't know why, but I took the sword. Shaking off some of the blood, I wiped the blood on my skirt. Who cared if I was bloodstained? I would be covered in blood soon enough.

Fighting Rido.

Keeping a firm grip on the handle of the sword, I left the small building, a purpose in mind.


As I neared the Moon Dorm, I smelt blood. More blood. It was a similar smell to earlier.

Ichiru. My heart quickened as I began speeding up. The smell was so strong, he must be bleeding out his whole life.

He probably is.

The scent of blood led me back to the main building. Instead of leading me into it though, I found myself walking around it, to finally stop at the entrance of a flight of stairs leading underground. Another secret Cross Academy had revealed to me.

My shadow loomed and slithered over the cobblestones like a serpent as I descended down the staircase. The cobbled stairway was rough and it looked half-abandoned, but all that did was make my neck prickle as fear took over my curiousity.

Blinking as I finally found solid, relatively flat ground below the staircase, I peered into the dimness of the underground that I was in. Dark, hulking shapes made themselves clear as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and the bars of prison cells appeared.

To add to the creepiness of the place I was in, the smell of blood never went away. It was still fresh, spilt less than an hour ago, thirty minutes even. I dreaded finding the source of the blood.

Finally stepping forward, I began walking down the short row of prison cells alongside me. At the end of the line, I stopped at a final prison ending the corridor.

All I could do was stare.


A horrible sight.

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