Chapter 62: Madness

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"So, how did you get those powers?" Ruka crossed her arms, staring at me. I was lost for words.

"Well, uh-"

"Is everything okay?" A calm voice broke in.

"Lord Kaname," Ruka broke off, lowering her head slightly. "I didn't expect to see you awake at this time." Kaname barely reacted.

"I was woken up by a light." I cringed slightly. My mistake.

"Lord Kaname, Saki-" Akatsuki began, only to be cut off by Kaname's wave of dismissal.

"I am well aware of Saki's abilities," he informed them coolly. "I shall punish her myself." Punish? He was bluffing right? It is his fault after all. I mean, he made me drink his blood.

"I would like you to keep this incident to yourselves," Kaname continued. "I will deal with her alone."

I sat there in the dimly lit room, feeling annoyed and tired. After the conversation which Kaname had dominated, he had excused himself and me to his room. I should probably call it his office though. There wasn't anything personal or even distinctly homey to the room. All there was were some furniture, including a desk and cabinet. On the desk was a chess board, with various playing pieces. I never really bothered look at it closely. I couldn't play chess anyway.

"I hadn't realised you were one to flaunt your powers," Kaname looked at me sternly. He sat in front of me, reclining on a sofa. "It has only made the situation worse."

I scowled at him.

"What was I supposed to do?" I challenged him. "I couldn't deny it since they would only find it suspicious, especially Akatsuki." Kaname just gave me a look. One of those looks which tell you, 'you could have done better'. Done better in what?

"I have tried to help you," Kaname began. "I tried to keep you from feeling all that pain, because I felt in debt to you, after everything I did to you. You wouldn't realise of course. You don't remember."

You don't remember.

"What do I not remember?" I asked him warily. "What happened?"

"That isn't for me to say," Kaname said. "You forgot for a reason."

"It better be a good reason," I muttered, half to myself.

"I feel you have no choice but to return to your lessons with Kaien. He should be able to teach you the meditation and control you need over your power."

"And my archery lessons?" In truth, I actually enjoyed them. Not because Yagari yelled at me half the time - well, most of the time. No. It was because it gave me something to concentrate on, so I can forget everything else. Even if I was focusing on shooting a dummy on wheels, it was a whole lot better than remembering all the problems I had.

"Perhaps," Kaname replied. "But control over your power takes top priority."

I was silent. Having lessons with the headmaster would be a little annoying, considering how...lighthearted, he was at times. And stupid. Kaname's authority is far greater than mine, so I have no choice.

"If that's how you want it," I replied simply, getting up from my chair. "Please excuse me." Trying to stay calm when you really want to murder someone is a feat which I think, someone should get a medal for. Even slamming the door is something hard to not do when walking out of the room.

In my room, I threw myself onto the bed, glaring at the ceiling above me. This was so unfair, I couldn't even make my own decisions. Hell, I want to leave this academy right now.

With a small creak, the door to my room swung open. Soft, light footsteps tapped daintily over the floor.

"Hi, Maria," I said, unmoving.

"Hello, Saki," Maria replied happily. "What's wrong? You look really upset." Really upset was an understatement. I was raging furious!

"I think you're missing something," Maria's face appeared in my view. Her hand touched my forehead. "There you go." A light sensation appeared in my head, and pictures rushed in on me. A face. A voice. Blood. Houses. Buildings. A body? Kaname? It all flowed around my mind like a confusing snake, coiling and writhing everywhere.

Finally, my mind sorted it out, to become a logical sequence of events.

I was coming back from the agency one night, when I was provoked by a man. I-I...killed him.

Drank his life away.

Kaname's face appears, telling me, telling me what? I can't remember. He was telling me something, but I still can't remember that.

Maria's face popped back into my view, and she waved her hand in front of my face.

"You there?" She blinked down at me innocently, her lips curving into a smile. "Oh, whoopsies. I think I left something out." A hand pressed back down on my forehead, and the rushing, dizzying sensation began again, washing over me in crashing waves.

This time though, it was a different face. White hair, framing a pair of lavender eyes. Ichiru.

In flashes, I saw him, sitting next to me, taking the arrow out of my hands. Waking me up in class. And...the fight. He-he ki- NO!

"NO!" I screamed out loud, sitting up straight and knocking Maria aside. "NO!" I clutched my head, screwing my eyes tightly shut.


"Saki," Kaname opened the door. "You didn't-"

"She remembers," Maria reassured him, a hint of laughter beneath her voice. "And she reacted just as I expected." I covered my ears then, not wanting to hear anything. It was like being in a bubble, all the sound from the outside world blocked out.

"Saki!" One voice burst through the bubble, but I ignored it. Hands wrapped around me, and I pushed them away, looking up.

Ichiru was there, looking at me urgently. Ichiru.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed again, pushing him so violently that he fell backward. "No..." I went back to closing my eyes and blocking my ears.

"...Madness..." Maria's voice leaked through my sound bubble. "....danger...."

I lashed out wildly then, every single light energy in me bursting out. This time, I didn't want to control it. I let it go free. Until something hit me in the head hard. And there was nothing.

It was black.

All black.

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