Chapter 9: Transferred

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Back at the Moon dorm, I wondered what that woman was on about. I wasn't special, and what was this about Shizuka Hio? I've heard her name before, but I can't remember who she was. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in." I called, not moving from my position on the bed. The door opened and there stood Kaname. I immediately sat straight up.

"Um, yes?" Kaname walked in and leaned against the wall opposite me.

"Rima told me you met Zero Kiryu."
The lavender eyes.

"So?" Kaname stared at me closely. I cringed at his gaze. Finally he spoke.

"I want to transfer you to the day class." This surprised me.

"Isn't the day class supposed to be for the humans?" There you go again, you said it. You are not human. Kaname nodded, unsmiling.

"You deal with the Kiryu kid better than some of the other Night Class. I assume it is alright with you." It was an order, not a request.
I nodded.

"But why would you want me to transfer?"

"You will transfer in a few days." He ignored my question, and began to leave my room.

"I trust that you will not drink the blood of any of the Day Class students."
You have never fallen prey to a vampire's instincts. You never even had to bite your own master.
I had to tell him. I swallowed, my mouth dry.

"I-I met someone today," Kaname stopped, but he didn't turn around.


"They - She told me to tell you that Shizuka Hio says hi." I didn't want to add the part about me saving that woman. Kaname turned around and his eyes seemed to glow for a split second. Then they faded to normal.

"I see."

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