Chapter 52: An unfortunate event

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"Are you okay?" A voice asked me. I didn't reply. That body on the ground in front of me, drained of blood, of life, the empty eyes staring up at me. Dead.

Because of me.

A hand touched my shoulder and I flinched back. Not again, I couldn't lose control again. I glanced up hesitantly at the person behind me.

The eyes that met mine were deep brown and reddish.

"Kaname?" I mumbled, still confused, consciously aware of the body that lay in front of me, lifeless eyes staring up at me in shock.

"That was a bad move," Kaname commented, gazing at the lifeless man in front of me. "I'm surprised you're still overtaken by blood thirsts. Only a Level E would have them."

I didn't reply. I already knew that something was not right about me. I was a Level C, but the urges of a Level E still existed in me. What was wrong with me?

"I should punish you," Kaname continued. "For attacking a human. You might even be put on the execution list as a dangerous vampire."

"So what do I do?" I asked emptily, my eyes unable to leave the figure in front of me.

"Letting people know that a Night Class student has attacked a human will cause problems with the peace we have brokered with the Hunters," Kaname said. "We'll have to hide the body, hopefully without anyone seeing."

"I'm surprised you want to help me," I remarked drily. "You've held a grudge against me ever since I met you." Kaname didn't respond to that for a couple of seconds.

"I have someone I hold dear to my heart," he finally replied, as though it was an explanation for everything. "And that means peace must be between humans and vampires. This incident will only backfire my plan." I should have known. He would only do something for his precious Yuki.

"Drag the body behind the building," Kaname instructed. "If you left enough blood in him, Level E vampires will be attracted, so they could be blamed for this. Then they will be put out if their misery." It seemed cruel to me, to frame Level Es for something I did, and get them killed.

"They have already fallen too far from sanity," Kaname said, almost as though he had read my thoughts. "They would attack other people anyway." I guess I had no choice.

Wearily placing my bags on the ground, I picked the man up under his shoulders and began pulling him away, dragging him towards the back of the building. He'll be out of sight of any passerbys. If anyone found him, hopefully they wouldn't notice the fang marks on his neck. If they did, maybe they'll assume it was a Level E. Maybe.

"You should go back to the academy now," Kaname said as I returned to him. "It's already getting dark."

"I'll be fine," I waved him away. "I'm a vampire." Even as I said those words, they stuck to my throat, like a sticky honey. I was a vampire. There was nothing I could do about it. I was a killer, a murderer.

A monster.

"I'll come with you," Kaname said, faling into step beside me. I glared at him.

"I don't need protection," I growled at him. He barely blinked.

"I also need to go back to the academy," his voice was even, betraying no emotions or feelings. "I may as well walk with you. Or are you going to turn me away?" In truth, I honestly wanted to tell him to go away, or better, turn to dust. Problem was, I owed him for not telling on me, or punishing me. Now did not seem like a good time to annoy him.

"I will still have to punish you," Kaname said right then. I groaned inwardly. Talk about irony.

"From today onwards, you will not be allowed to stay in the Day Class for the rest of the term. Next term, we shall see." My mouth dropped open at this.

"That's not f-" I was cut off by Kaname's cold voice.

"I will not risk the lives of Day Class members." I bit down the pang of guilt that rose. Despair rose up in place of it instead. Why? Just when I felt better by being among humans, finding a dress for the ball, meeting Ichiru, away from Kaname -

"Why?" I whispered, knowing Kaname could hear me. "Why are you so mean to me? Why is life so mean to me? I don't know what to do. Why do you hate me? Did I do something? Why does Yuki mean so much to you? What danger is coming? Why do I still act like a Level E when I know I'm not? What's wrong with me?! I don't know anything."

It all poured out in an endless rush, and I felt tears beginning to swim in my eyes. I kept walking blindly though, refusing to give in to my legs threatening to buckle, my hand clutching the carry bag with my dress, my hair beginning to fall across my face.

That was when I felt Kaname's hand on the back of my head. Little bits of my vision began to disappear, fading and disintegrating into emptiness. What was going on?

Weakly I tried to pull away, to push the pureblood away, but his other arm held me firm, while his hand pressed against my head firmly. What was happening to me? Why am I crying? Why am I sad? I can't remember anything.

The last thing I remembered was everything going black and arms picking me up, carrying me carefully.

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