Chapter 33: Tutoring

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"Right, so today, we will be studying history," Hanabusa's petulant voice rang out, as he dumped a pile of books on the table. "I assume you know what that is?" I scowled, glaring at the books Hanabusa had just dumped on the table. Why did Hanabusa have to teach me? Couldn't Yuki or someone nice teach me? Even if Yuki was the reason why Kaname was turning me into a puppet, she probably wouldn't be, like Hanabusa.

"You should know about the ancient civilisations," Hanabusa looked at me with a trace of scorn. "But I doubt you know about how the vampire society's heritage goes back to, seeing as you used to be human and all." He said that part with distaste, and I was seized by the urge to just lunge up and throttle him. Not that it would really harm him, but it would give me some kind of satisfaction. If I did it, then no doubt he would freeze me. If I could just figure out how to control my light power, so I could fight back, I might be able to face up to him, but what would that do? He would probably die before he retreated to me.

I couldn't do anything, so I just glared at the pen I held, squeezing it tightly, until I was sure it would break.

"Are you even listening?" I looked up to see his annoyed expression. "Our first ancestors were purebloods, who eventually went to form the seven pureblood tribes, with the Kuran tribe leading them. And when I mean 'our', I mean all the vampires in the Night Class, except for you." Hmph, yes, except for me. I'm the odd one out. I am an ex-human, a vampire, which does not, and never will, fit into the vampire society.

"However, the Kuran family did not want to reign as the royal family, so gave their monarchy to the council, which rules us fairly. Do you see how much of an honour you have been given, to attend the same school, be in the same dormitory, as Kaname Kuran?" His words came out as a hiss. I bet he didn't know that Kaname was also the cruelest, most cold-blooded person I have ever met.

"Now, I want you to do these exercises from the textbook, on page 151, to 155. You can work on it now, and then do the rest for homework," Hanabusa announced, plopping a textbook in front of me. "If you can't find the information from the textbook, ask me. Make sure you revise this knowledge later on as well." Is it just me, or does he always have his nose in the air? It's a wonder he doesn't walk into someone.

Resigning myself to the textbook and the questions that awaited me with a sigh, I opened my exercise book, picking up a pen, and beginning to read the questions.

One hour later, I lifted my head up and glared at the clock. Would the darn thing just politely wind itself up and make this two hours pass quicker. I had already done some of the questions, and I didn't want to read anything else about the Roman Civilisation. Who wants to read about gladiators fighting for a pointless reason?

Looking around, I realised, that Hanabusa was nowhere in sight. Perfect. Turning to a blank page in my book, I began drawing. I drew Hanabusa dead on the ground, in stick figures, with crossed eyes. A puddle of blood lay next to him. Maybe it's not a very appealing drawing from a girl of sixteen years, but they certainly made me feel better.

As I took out a red pen, and began colouring the puddle I had drawn, I paused, staring at the red oval.

That was when I felt thirsty, all I could see was red. I wanted blood. Maybe I shouldn't have drawn that puddle of blood. Now I was so thirsty. So hungry.

Gasping for air, I fell out of my chair, trying to regain myself. As I crouched there on the floor, clutching my throat, and trying not to go mad, the door opened, and in stepped Hanabusa.

"Whe-" he began in surprise, seeing the chair empty, before his eyes found me on the floor, struggling.

"Hmph," he walked over to me, crouching next to me. "I guess I should have expected nothing more. Here," He held out a packet of blood tablets. "Keep the rest." I took them hastily, taking out one tablet and putting it in my mouth. Chewing, I ignored the awful taste, and swallowed it, feeling my thirst disappear.

"Thanks," I muttered, not meeting Hanabusa's eyes. Hanabusa snorted.

"I should have expected that from you," he replied, waving away my thanks. "After all, being so thirsty for blood can only be expected from a vampire that was once human." I got up, sitting back on my chair, hastily turning the page on my drawing of Hanabusa. Hopefully he didn't see it.

"Just finish those questions for homework," Hanabusa sighed. "We may as well end early." He took the pile of books, walking out of the room to leave me with the textbook and my exercise book and pens.

So people, how do you like the story so far? I can't thank you guys enough, for reading this, commenting and voting! I'll be updating pretty regularly, now that it's the holidays for me, but I do need to study. My final exams are coming up in about a month, so I'll have to take the whole week off to study XD Sorry about that, but some things can't be helped. Thank you all once again, and keep erasing and commenting, as well as voting! Also to keep you busy, who do you think I should ship Saki with? All suggestions are useful.

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