Chapter 2: Cross Academy

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"Saki!" Mum's calling me, "Can you come down for a moment?"

"Yes?" I call as I walk downstairs. Mum looked up from where she was sitting at the kitchen bench, her laptop in front of her.

"You know how since you're, you know, a vampire and-"

"I know."

"I got an email from Kaien Cross. He's a retired hunter who's known to be the greatest vampire hunter alive. He's started an academy, where there will be a night class and day class, one for vampires, another for humans," She paused, looking at me expectantly, "Kaien heard about you being...different, and he suggested you to go there. I figured that you would also need a decent education among your kind, so would you mind going?"

Among your kind. It only reminds me of how I am no longer human, rather, a monster, whose life depends on the death of others.

Still, I am tired of being stared at, people marveling at the beauty which only conceals the monster inside me, and thinking they could be friends with me just to make them look good. It wouldn't hurt to try would it?

"Ok," I keep my face emotionless. A mask to conceal my feelings. Like the perfect mask which hides the beast inside me.

Mum beamed happily. Mum is really pretty, I am only pretty because of what I am. Then she spoke again.

"Oh, and by the way Saki, it's a boarding school, so you'll have to live there." I nodded again, my face still expressionless. So now, even my Mum is trying to get rid of me.

Cross Academy was big. Very big. It was a boarding school, with big building and thick iron gates between the sun and moon dorms. I was in the moon dorm.

"Minagawa Saki?" A voice inquired. A cute-looking girl with brown hair and eyes was standing there, looking at me expectantly.

I nodded. The girl's face broke into a happy smile.

"Hi! My name is Yuki Cross, and I'm the headmaster's daughter. I'll be showing you around the school. I can't show you around during lessons though, since I'm patrolling, so you'll have to ask someone from the night class to help you."

I smile, or at least, I try to. It probably looks more like a grimace though. Yuki grabbed my hand.

"You're supposed to see the headmaster first though, so he can give you all the info and stuff you need."

She took me to another building, which looked as though it had three or four storeys, judging by the windows.

"This is the main building," she explained to me as we walked. "It's where the headmaster's office is, and where the infirmary is as well."

On the highest floor, Yuki led me along the corridor, walking towards one of the few doors there were.

"This is the level where the offices and other staffrooms will be," Yuki informed me, her light footsteps echoing against the wooden floor. "Here's the headmaster's room."

"Yes?" A man looked up from his desk as Yuki pushed the door open. "Oh, it's you Yuki, and Saki as well." He seemed positively delighted. In a child-like way.

"So you're Shina's daughter," he studied me carefully. Surprisingly, I couldn't see any wariness or guard in his eyes, like I usually do in people who know about vampires. "Shina is quite well known in some circles, and so no doubt you will be an asset to her." That made me bristle.

I hated it when people talked about someone's kid as though they were just an item, deemed good or bad depending on their worth. I was a living, breathing, being.

A monster in other words.

"That aside," the headmaster continued. "Here's your uniform." He handed over a parcel which I assumed had my uniform.

"The Day Class students have a black uniform, and the Night Class has a white one. You probably would have figured you have a white uniform," Kaien explained. "I've already got all your details down, so all you have to do is learn where everything is."

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