Chapter 20: Scary situations

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"Zero! Zero!" Yuki's voice called. I can hear her. She's still some distance in front of me, but I can catch up with her quickly. Being a vampire means I can run and leap great distances. Something told me I shouldn't approach her just yet though. I've known Yuki long enough to know that she can be immensely stubborn whenever she has a task to do. If it involves Zero, she's never going to stop.

Rather than blindly following the orders a little Kaname Kuran voice kept jabbering in my head, I followed Yuki at a distance, trying to make sure she's safe, and at the same time, prove that I am not Kaname's pawn.

"Oh!" I heard Yuuki exclaim. I peered forward, to see her jump up, catching hold of a red balloon caught in a tree.

"Here," She offered it to a young boy standing next to her, "Your ballo- Hey, where are you going?" The little boy ran off, just as she was about to give him his balloon. I realised with a stab of horror, that that little boy was a vampire. A level E. I immediately began running after Yuki, willing my vampire speed to let me catch up with her fast.

For a human, she was actually quite fast. I sped up, only to narrowly miss a lamp post. It still hit my arm though. I rubbed the sore patch, grimacing. I would heal. Yuki wouldn't however, if that vampire boy caught her. I began running again, but a little slower.

"I haven't seen you around before.' A raspy voice whispered next to me. I jumped in shock, looking to my right. A pair of glowing red eyes appeared, as a bedraggled man appeared from the shadows. He grinned at me revealing crooked teeth, but non too clear fangs.

"Just let me drink a little bit." He hissed, as he leapt at me, his fingers curved into claws. I instinctively reached up, knocking him away, before backing away. I had no idea what to do. If I were an aristocrat, I could freeze, burn, torture or kill him any way I could. If I were a human, I could stab him with an anti-vampire weapon that the headmaster probably would have given me. If I had been a human. Why did I have to be stuck in the middle, as an average Level C vampire?!

Yuki's scream rang through the air, a sound that echoed within my head. I had to run then, otherwise, if Yuki was injured, or even worse, killed, Kaname would kill me.

Maybe death is a better option. You're a monster. A monster with no special talents, who will always be outshined by those with powers and abilities. Powers and abilities you don't have.

I shook my head, willing that little voice out of my head, as I kept running towards where I heard Yuki scream.

Finally, I found Yuki, where she was backing away from the little boy. No doubt he had bitten her. His crazed expression as he grinned madly up at her, blood dripping from his fangs, was enough to make me shout.

"Get away from her!" I yelled, running to the vampire, with no idea about how I was going to stop him, just the hope that I could think up something. Not a good move. The boy lunged at me, a horrible rasping sound coming out of his throat, as he latched himself around my throat. I staggered back, pushing him away, and succeeding. As I did, his fangs ripped through the side of my throat, and blood poured onto the ground. My blood. I could hear hissing sounds coming from all around me.

Looking around warily, I found myself in a situation I had once thought I would never be in. Glowing eyes came from the shadows around me, as various vampires stepped forward. Various Level E vampires. Their eyes glowed with hunger, as they smelt the blood that dripped from my neck to the ground. This situation didn't look good.

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