Chapter 66: The Hunter Association

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The first few days of my holidays would be spent at home. I would be able to see Mum and spend time with her. Maybe. After that, I would return to the academy and 'watch over it' as Kaname said.

The drive back home was a long one, and rather tedious. Let's say that the driver was a bit of a dull person, who barely said a word except 'yes' and 'no'. I couldn't even remember what his voice sounded like.

As the car pulled into the driveway of the house, the driver still had yet to say something.

"Thank you for driving me," I thanked him. His only reply was a nod, as he waited for me to get my bags, before backing out of the driveway. So much for a 'goodbye', or 'hope to see you soon'.

"Saki?" Mum opened the door, looking out. "Oh, it is you." I didn't know what to make of it. Mum sounded genuinely surprised, even though I had told her I would visit during the holidays when I left.

"Hi, Mum," I said meekly, not meeting her gaze. "I'm back." Mum opened the door wider, beckoning me inside.

"I hadn't realised you would come," she told me as I walked into the house. "I was rather expecting you to be more at home with the rest of the Night Class." That was putting it tactfully.

"Mum," I began. "I really don't want to go back to Cross Academy." I know. I know. She's already paid the bills and all, and I didn't know how to explain that Kaname had been using me as a puppet.

"Why not?" She frowned at me. "I think it might be better if you stayed." It was like a slap to the face. Not again. Rejected again. I suppose I should just clear things with her.

"Mum, I know it's hard for you to have me, a vampire, as a daughter," I began. "I'm sorry. I know, you have every right to-"

"No, Saki," she broke in. "That's not the reason why." She took a deep breath, before looking at me squarely in the eye.

"I've had word from the hunter association as well. Apparently you attacked and killed a man. Is it true?"

Is it true?

How did they know?

The picture of the man lying dead on the ground flashed vividly into my mind. Eyes staring wide open in shock, but blank and clean of emotion. I couldn't deny it.

"It's true," I admitted hoarsely. "I killed someone." Mum sat down with a thump on the chair behind her.

"I had been hoping it wasn't that," she buried her face in her hands. "But there's no denying it. The hunter association will be coming here tomorrow to deal with you. I have been asked to restrain you and keep you in this house until then."

"Go ahead then," I hung my head. "You have to do your job."

"That's why I wanted you to stay in Cross Academy," Mum continued. "There, you will be under the protection of Kaien Cross and other vampires. Orders will have to go through Kaien himself, before the assocation will be able to arrest you by force."

"Oh," was all I could say. So Mum only wanted me to stay in Cross Academy because it was safer for me. And all this time...

"I guess I could let you leave," Mum offered hesitantly. "If you leave enough marks on me to make it seem like a fight, you could still escape and go back to Cross Academy. I won't mind."

"No," I shook my head. "I have to try and make amends. I regret killing him, but there's no going back. I'll stay here until the assocation comes."

"Are you sure?" Mum looked at me worriedly. "You know that the punishment might even be death. If word gets out to the general public that you killed someone, the consequences would be disastrous."

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