Chapter 94: Uncertainties lie ahead

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"Are you okay, Saki?" That was an obvious question. My arms and shoulder were a bloody mess, and I'm pretty suremy clothes are red now, not black.

"Here, drink this," Yuuki extended her wrist, a small bead of blood bubbling up as she dug her nail into her skin. "You'll survive this way."

"Mm," I didn't want to drink her blood. It didn't seem right. She used to be an innocent girl, trying to help others when it did the opposite to herself. Now here she was, still doing the same thing, but with a different purpose, with a more mature face. It made me feel like the bad person.

"Drink it," she insisted, pushing her wrist right onto my lips, her stubborn streak showing. I had no choice but to drink.

Dipping my head, I bared my fangs, sinking them into her wrist. I stiffened as I felt Yuuki tense at my bite, but the temptation of the blood was too strong. I found myself drinking it happily and thirstily, literally feeling it sink into my bones.

"Mine, not yours," I heard Rido growl. A thump resounded, followed by Zero's shout of pain. Immediately I looked up, forgetting about drinking blood. Zero lay on the ground, pinned down by the snarling black wolf.

"Zero!" Yuuki completely forgot about me and ran to Zero's rescue, Artemis swinging in a shining silver arc as she slashed at Rido.

"Not this time." With surprising agility, Rido leapt out of the way of the scythe, his long black body darting towards the edge of the roof.

"He's getting away!" Zero growled, already recovered, as he prepared to go after him. I beat him to it.

Forgetting the pain in my arms and shoulder, I ran after the fleeting shape of Rido. Ichiru's sword flashed briefly in my hand as I ran.

"You're not getting away," I muttered under my breath, seeing the wolf bunch up as Rido prepared to jump off the side of the building. Without hesitation I lunged for the black animal, aiming to grab it around the middle just as Rido jumped off.

The good news, was that I managed to catch hold of Rido. The bad news? Turns out I caught Rido in mid-leap...and mid-fall.

Wind rushed past my ears as I clung onto the black furred animal, the ground rushing up much faster than I would have preferred.

The impact when we landed wasn't that bad. Rido actually cushioned my fall, landing on his feet, much to my surprise and annoyance, while I bounced off him onto the ground with a thump.

Alarms rang though, that Rido was less than a metre away, next to me, and if I lowered my guard, he would have a very tasty feast.

Getting up hastily, I lunged for the black wolf, my silver sword tip flickering towards his black fur, trying to injure him as best as I could.

Much to my chagrin, Rido leapt aside easily, like he had when Yuuki attacked him.

Black smoke writhed and curled as tendrils twisted around him. Rido in turn, began to grow and morph, limbs extending and dark brown hair appearing finally appearing in his hu - vampire form.

"Hopeless." His eyes were the only thing that hadn't changed after him transformation as he observed me gleefully. "That Hunter knew how to wield it much better." He began to move towards me.

"You're lying," I slashed the air in front if me as a warning, slowly backing away. "If I injure you with this, you can't heal."

"Maybe." With terrifying speed, Rido appeared in front of me, his cruel lips twisting into a smile. "But can you?"

His hand grasped the blade before I could react. Blood trickled down his hand and arms and the metal cut into his skin. Blue static zapped down the whole sword, repelling Rido and repelling me as well. With a grimace of pain, I dropped the sword, sparks still fizzing on my hands.

"You're a vampire," Rido took proper hold of my sword, completely oblivious of the sparks that flew as the sword tried to reject him. "And this is an anti-vampire sword." He held the sword up threateningly.

Fear stabbed my stomach as I tried to back away, but Rido kept coming. I could hear the sword thrum as it tried to reject Rido, but he didn't care or didn't notice.

"Goodbye," he said simply. I a blur of movement, the silver blade danced out, flying straight through the air, stabbing me in the shoulder, dangerously close to my heart.

With a cry of pain I stumbled back, blood pouring out of the wound as my body tried to heal itself. To no avail.

"Missed," Rido remarked with annoyance. "But at least I can have a good meal." With a shove, he had me pinned down on the ground, my blood soaking through his shirt as he leaned over, fangs clamping down on my neck.

Dizziness swamped me, though he had only just started drinking, but I had already lost a lot of blood.

I'm going to die.

I floated in empty space, trying to figure out why I was here. There was nothing here, only thick, empty, nothingness.

Where am I?

"Is anyone there?" My voice was hollow and empty in the darkness. No echo, no reply. "Anyone?"

"It's me," arms wrapped me in a hug slowly. "I'm here."

"Ichiru." I could feel him, his warm body and a smell I recognised, my face buried in his chest. "You're here."

"I'm here," he replied calmly. I couldn't see his face, only hear his voice and feel his touch. It didn't matter. I felt so much more comforted.

"Why am I here?" My words were muffled as I hugged him tightly. "What happened?" I couldn't remember anything. What was I just doing?

"You don't remember?" Ichiru sounded vaguely surprised. Then he relaxed, hugging me tightly once more. "It doesn't matter. You're here now."

I'm here now.

Then it all hit me. Rido. Zero and Yuuki. The Night Class. 

Was I dead?


Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long to update. I probably would have updated yesterday, but just when I was finishing the chapter, Wattpad was all like, 'hey, let's delete the latest chapter that Evil_Incubator wrote ^,^'. Boom. One chapter gone. I had to rewrite it :k Still not happy but oh well, I tried XD. 

Hope you liked that chapter. I know, it was a cliffhanger \(^,^)/ One of my favourites, but I couldn't help it. It was too good an opportunity. So just to wrap up quickly, thank you guys sooooomuch for reading, commenting and voting, I would never have gotten this far without you. And we reach 4k votes \(0.0)/ YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! let's see if we can reach 5k!...Ok, maybe that was going a bit too far .^. See you later!


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