Chapter 14: My Memories

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"Yes, Saki?"
"Will that scary vampire ever come back?" Mum hesitated, then she shook her head.
"No, it will never come back, ever again."
"Is it scared of you?" A wry smile twisted onto Mum's lips.
"It probably is, because I killed it."
"Wow... My mummy's amazing."
"Thank you, Saki."
"For what?"
"For saying that, Saki."
This is weird. Why would I suddenly recall this memory, the memory the night after the vampire attack. But... did Mum actually kill the vampire? For the first time in many years, I felt a thrill of fear, that the vampire was still out there. Ready to eat me.

Sorry that it's such a short chapter, it was only meant to tell you guys that her memories were back. Perhaps I should reveal who the pureblood was that bit her. *Attempts to wink*

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